Mealworm farming

I have several layers of newspaper covering the substrate and have noticed that when I check on the mealies every few days a good number of them have crawled in between the sheets of paper. My question is; will they make thier way back to the substrate and vegies, are they preparing to pupate, should I just leave them alone?

Mine do it all time time - they seem to like hiding in dark places. They will be able to get out to eat and such, don't worry
That sounds about normal. The larvae become very lethargic and sedentary right prior to molting or pupating.
I think is what is happening with mine, lots of pupae and beetles. I think I will be out of wormies soon. I want them in ALL stages ALL the time. Should I keep buying more worms until my current eggs grow up or just wait it out? Without counting I have 100-200 beetles, maybe more. The beetles like to hide under food, TP rollers, and paper, when I move it they get caught upside down and die (which they do well enough without me messing with them) I was given a large weave burlap sack that I will be putting into a new larger container to help keep them upright.

If you had told me last year I would be "Raising" bugs in my home..........
I think is what is happening with mine, lots of pupae and beetles. I think I will be out of wormies soon. I want them in ALL stages ALL the time. Should I keep buying more worms until my current eggs grow up or just wait it out? Without counting I have 100-200 beetles, maybe more. The beetles like to hide under food, TP rollers, and paper, when I move it they get caught upside down and die (which they do well enough without me messing with them) I was given a large weave burlap sack that I will be putting into a new larger container to help keep them upright.

If you had told me last year I would be "Raising" bugs in my home..........

You could buy like 500 more worms but put half of them in your bin and the other half in the refrigerator. Then in 3-4 weeks put the refrigerated ones into the bin. That way you have them all going in stages.
Is anyone else having serious allergy type reactions when doing stuff in the bins?? I have gotten so bad with sneezing and runny nose, itching eyes that i may hae to give them up. I have already started taking out all the large worms to freeze before they can pupate. Darn...... I was really enjoying this adventure!

Emily, unfortunately, the allergic reaction you're suffering is because of the proteins shed by the mealworms and probably not the substrate. Many studies have been done showing that grain elevator workers suffering severe allergies at work are responding to the insects in the grain and not the grain itself. Darkling beetles from the family Tenebrionidae are notorious for stimulating allergic reactions (google "Tenbrio molitor allergy). Maybe you could use a mask and latex gloves when handling them to limit problems. I've known a few people that developed beetle allergies. I'm surprised I haven't yet developed one to them yet, it seems as I age I'm becoming allergic to just about everything.
Yep, that would be me.... :( Allergy city, improving since I kicked the bins outside to the garage.

I've taken to wearing a mask if I'm going to stir up bedding or be working with my face near the bin at all. A fantastic help!

Since it is affecting your eyes, I would also suggest a good allergy med--whichever one works for you, and DON'T touch your face while working your mealies! Always rinse your hands and arms well after working mealies, immediately!, then take a shower and change clothes. Really helps.

Play in the mealie bins only as absolutely necessary. (I know, I know, I love to work mine too but...)

Try changing the bedding as suggested, if that doesn't work....well. Hope it does!

Good luck!
I haven't been on here in a while but I now have my 2nd generation of beetles and pupa from the worms I ordered in January. I have been feeding a 40-50 every few days to my Jubilee Orpington Chicks and they love them! I am debating about letting all of the worms I currently have pupate and become beetles and start selling a few worms here on BYC and also Locally. How are everyones mealies doing?

Amy do you still have some in the Bator? I took mine out when the pupated about a 2 weeks ago.

No, I took mine out of the bator back when eggs became the focus for my bators. Around the middle of March, I think. I set a good many on top of the big bator and still have a growing batch on there. All our bitsy babies go in the bin there and as they mature and want it a bit cooler they come to the top of the substrate so when we walk by and see them dozing there we scoop them up and move them over to the next size bin.
I have gotten kinda lax in my meal worm work as eggs and chicks have become the spring issue. I know DH puts a lot of pupae in the beetle bin as he just has to show me a handful every day. But I still send out a few orders and have slowed down in pushing sales since it is hard to box up meal worms and eggs for shipping all week.

Interestingly enough, our 17 yr old DD has gotten into European Night crawlers. She has been going fishing with a friend of hers a lot and her friend sells fishing equipment at the local flea markets and makes good money as well as holding down her job at Walmart so she got DD interested in bait worms. I, somehow, could not get nearly as interested in them as my meal worms. But I helped a little bit. She hopes to build them up as I have my meal worms and she hopes to out sale me! You go, girl!

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