Mealworm farming

Biggest darkling beetle looking thing EVER.

Seriously, search for images of Titanus giganteus.

In other news, ALL of my mealies save one has turned into adults. I kinda sort of maybe forgot about them.. and when I tossed some baby carrots in the bin, they swarmed it. It looks like it was a beetle roll, not a baby carrot, lol.
In another couple weeks, I'm going to move all the beetles into a new box, and let that box grow up any mealies that may be in them. and then I'll move them again in another couple weeks, to have several bins growing at different stages.

I still don't have my land, not do I have my chickens, and try as I may, I have yet to be able to convince my dogs to eat them.... So likely they will end up as gifts for two of my friends, one of which has a bearded dragon and a box turtle. My other friend has, or had crested geckos. I'll have to ask him.

In any case the growing of the beetles has been a lot of fun so far, and I can't wait until I have my own space where I can seriously expand operations, lol.
I am going to start my meal worm farm this weekend. How many worms could fit in a 10 gal. aquarium? How will I know if there too many? My chickens need protein for the long cold winters so I figured I'd start now for next winter.
I am going to start my meal worm farm this weekend. How many worms could fit in a 10 gal. aquarium? How will I know if there too many? My chickens need protein for the long cold winters so I figured I'd start now for next winter.
you need to stagger your purchases of meal worms so you have worms all winter long. so I would get a pkg a week or buy a kit that includes all the stages.
To everyone that has bought my meal worms kits, they all have gone out and you should be receiving them tomorrow or Friday. Please let me know if anything is wrong with them or if you need instructions on how to raise them.
Thank you, everyone for all your orders but please be patient with me as I try to fill them all. I send out thousands upon thousands of meal worms each week as my reputation has built up over the years. However, please do not PM or email to ask me questions unless you have purchased from me. I have awesome customer support but have only so much time each day to address questions about meal worm farming with my own stock. I can not help you with your farm purchased from someone else. Please ask the vender.
Thank you.
In other news, ALL of my mealies save one has turned into adults. I kinda sort of maybe forgot about them.. and when I tossed some baby carrots in the bin, they swarmed it. It looks like it was a beetle roll, not a baby carrot, lol.
----, I'm going to move all the beetles into a new box, and let that box grow up any mealies that may be in them. and then I'll move them again in another couple weeks, to have several bins growing at different stages.
In any case the growing of the beetles has been a lot of fun so far, and I can't wait until I have my own space where I can seriously expand operations, lol.
Labella - I wanted to do a similar thing to your moving to new habitat - to develop "age similar" groups.. I thought i would just move the pupae.. to isolation then when move the beetles to new.. But I am interested how you sort out the beetles out .. ?

--then the next ?? is for gathering eggs.. ( or how not to throw the eggs out when changing habitat.. ?)
this question comes about .. <ii forgot where > I read they like to lay on cardboard..
so i had this packing cardboard that came around the end of a toaster. I stuck it in.. on top of the news paper..
they seem to like it.. they'll crawl on it.. and its good to put some food matter.. that i can monitor in this vs the bran..
but now.. I have the cardboard .. and some grass clippings that are in the beetle basket.

I guess? I should just remove the dead beetles.. and just convert over time.. to the small worm and egg ? trey?
If they lay on the cardboard.. or plant material.. < cabbage , kale leaf, grass > I should leave that in there .. am i right?
I found a #50 bag of Wheat Bran at our local co-op for $14.
This is about what it cost me.. and thanks bnewns.. about the cold dark storage.. I have a cold.. closet .. I just put mine in..

you need to stagger your purchases of meal worms so you have worms all winter long. so I would get a pkg a week or buy a kit that includes all the stages.
As an alternative .. could a person( like me - this was my thinking ; )
.. purchase .. a large sum.. (8000) and then Chill.. 2/3 of the lot.. (in cool place like that cold closet)
and then after a few weeks.. take out 1/3 .. to room temperature.. and feed.
and the last 1/3 a few weeks later ...
to create.. multiple.. age groups..? or.. maybe .. chill after they pupate..
Its been a very fun week . The 21 chicks.. came from McMurray's and I got Black Soldier Fly Larvae and Meal worms on Wednesday.
Learning how to make a home for all this at once.. has been more entertaining than trouble. .. I was surprised how fun it was to do the meal worms..
- i don't have the "gross out" gene.. <grin> so I've been checking on them and there was a big molt after the feed and water i gave them
-I've been juicing.. so i had some carrot fiber from that .. and as I took them out of the bag.. I would drop them in that.. in an aluminum pan.. and let them eat up..
and then placed the pan on angle into another trey so they could crawl out.. but mostly I would add worms.. to a cup of pulp and in short order they would eat most of it.. and I then put them into bran that had been "frozen" for 24 -48hrs in a turkey roaster <? a mite preventative - some one recommended>
.. so I think they got to eat and drink allot more from that than the other batch that i just put carrots sliced in.. this morning .. i checked and i need to add more bran and there is a considerable amount of skins.. on top. -

- the Entertainment Factor is really fun.. _?some one recommended to be sure to have the grit when feeding the chicks.. - and i did give them that ..
I've been feeding 15 or so worms / day.. and i have noticed that one breed is definitely better at noticing that there is a worm.. in the pen.
and they are very fast .. to grab and go.. Fastest.. is the Americana ( not certain of breed but pretty sure) then one.. of the Bjgiants.. then.. the crested polish.
- I plan to take some photo's of them today.. and I hope to separate them enough to let every one have a worm.. so they'll know what they are all about.
Now when i bring the "Hand" in to the pen.. to change water food..ect.. the Fast chicks .. are there .. checking out the hand to see if .. there will be a worm hunt.
they are so fast .. the others don't hardly get a chance to get a worm.
-- Since they will be free range < mostly> working girls.. I want them to know.. what to look for ; )
Whew! I shipped out 16 boxes of worms yesterday and 6 more today. I am slowly catching up on all the orders. Thank you, everyone. It takes a lot of time to harvest and measure out the mealies when you have millions upon millions to go through.
Was notified of my shipment today, Amy!! Due to arrive on Mon. Looking forward to it.
I have already purchased a 3 drawer plastic storage unit from Walmart. I have the wheat bran in the freezer now for a couple of days. I do have to cut the bottom out of top drawer yet and add screen, but it will be ready for them upon arrival.
Have a momma hen that has hatched out 3 chicks, (so far!) this week. Going to give her till tomorrow (sunday) evening to see if the other 5 hatch out. Will probably have to give them a couple of worms to welcome them to the family!!! Told a friend of mine who has chickens about my "worm farm". She is very interested also. If I have any questions, I will definately pm you. Thanks again!

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