Mealworm farming

One of my bins was wall to wall worms, so I took a huge cup outside for the song birds. After I poured them into the tray that catches the seeds that the woodpecker spills, I realized the worms I put out yesterday were not eaten, but had crawled under the rock that holds the tray down! So there is a whole lot of worms out there, and my wild birds are not eating them! What kind of wild birds eat mealworms? We have Thrasher, Indigo Bunting, Cardinal, tufted Titmouse, Oriole, Chickadee, Cowbird, Sparrow, Grosbeak, Mourning Dove, all kinds of Finch, and I don't know what else. And the red bellied Woodpecker. The Robins would have but they are already gone up north. I hate to see the worms get eaten by the squirrels but that is what will probably happen. I won't risk regifting them to my hens since they have been in contact with wild bird dooky.


Well... oops.
I forgot that the new container was air tight.. and I didn't check on the worms in like a week... And... well, I opened it, and got a nice whiff of slowly fermenting wheat bran scent, and all along the top were plenty of dead worms and beetles, lol.
The good news is there were still plenty of worms in the molded over container, so I put some of those in the wheat germ, to get the drunk, because why not, I have a buzz just smelling it, lol. And I left the rest where they are, since the mold doesn't seem to be bothering them.

We'll see what I have, in the meanwhile, tomorrow I shall have to put some holes in the air tight container, like I should have in the first place, lol.

Yikes! At least you had backup!
I'm still not seeing any baby worms yet. I thought for sure that by the time I got back from my holiday that I would have a ton of baby worms in my first set up. It's been three weeks, since my first beetle! What's taking so long?
I'm a very impatient person.

When I got home my second set up had it's first two beetles in it though, so they are (slowly) moving along. I'm ready for new wormies though! I'm not diggin' the beetle stage.
Three weeks is only enough time for your first beetles to mature and start laying eggs. The eggs that have hatched are too small to see......................My first beetles hatched mid-April and I just started seeing the baby worms about a week ago...........I was ready to throw the whole thing out. I just threw the tote back in the closet and forgot about it for two more weeks, then finally I saw movement...................I would expect it will be at least three more weeks until you see any movement in your bin........It is torture waiting for the first ones to hatch and grow, but when they do appear, you will have tons.
Well... oops.
I forgot that the new container was air tight.. and I didn't check on the worms in like a week... And... well, I opened it, and got a nice whiff of slowly fermenting wheat bran scent, and all along the top were plenty of dead worms and beetles, lol.
The good news is there were still plenty of worms in the molded over container, so I put some of those in the wheat germ, to get the drunk, because why not, I have a buzz just smelling it, lol. And I left the rest where they are, since the mold doesn't seem to be bothering them.

We'll see what I have, in the meanwhile, tomorrow I shall have to put some holes in the air tight container, like I should have in the first place, lol.
Eeeewww!! Gross! I can almost smell it and picture it
I'm still not seeing any baby worms yet. I thought for sure that by the time I got back from my holiday that I would have a ton of baby worms in my first set up. It's been three weeks, since my first beetle! What's taking so long?
I'm a very impatient person.

When I got home my second set up had it's first two beetles in it though, so they are (slowly) moving along. I'm ready for new wormies though! I'm not diggin' the beetle stage.
It does get discouraging waiting for the first geneneration of mealies. I noticed some very fine movement on a carrot that I was going to remove and that was my first indication that I had little ones.
I'm still not seeing any baby worms yet. I thought for sure that by the time I got back from my holiday that I would have a ton of baby worms in my first set up. It's been three weeks, since my first beetle! What's taking so long?
I'm a very impatient person.

When I got home my second set up had it's first two beetles in it though, so they are (slowly) moving along. I'm ready for new wormies though! I'm not diggin' the beetle stage.

I got my very first beetle on the 10th May and I just found my very first baby worm

I just skimmed the surface with a teaspoon and spread it out on a sheet of white paper under a light with magnifying glass I could see them. I put this one on a $2 coin to show size. I am in Australia and its winter here not that it gets very cold in north Queensland.
So you should be getting babies very soon if you dont already have them. They are tiny.
I first purchased my worms at the end of March/beginning of April 13. Had my first pupae a couple of days later, not long after that I had beetles! Just moved them into a new container about 3 weeks ago. I can FINALLY see the baby worms which are about MAYBE 1/4 inch long (appx) Hard to see them, but I can see the substrate moving around, and when I scoop up a little with a piece of white paper, then I can see the LITTLE buggers!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY because my girls love mealworms!!
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YEs, I got my worms last week Tuesday. How long will it take for them to become beetles?

It will depend on several factors for how soon you'll start seeing pupa. One is how old they are when you go them. That can be hard to tell, but they bigger they are, the older they probably are. That being said I have some pretty big worms still in my first set up and I think I started that in March. But most of those have turned to beetles already. The second is how warm they are kept. The warmer you keep them the faster they go through their stages. I would aim for 75 to 85 F (sorry, don't know what that is for you). I got my second batch of worms about a month ago and I have my first beetles. Trust me, it feels like it takes forever. Wish I could be more positive.

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