Mealworm farming

It's DE free starter. Any tips on how I would remove just the bottom layer?

Good. I don't do it often, so when I do the colony is pretty filled with it. I just scoop off the top inch or so and reserve that in a bucket. I remove the bottom layer (use it for plant fertilizer), add more substrate to the container and pour the top layer back on to it. My colony is in a glass aquarium so I can see a fairly good demarkation between the older layers (the part removed) and the newer active layer which is reserved.
Thank you so much for the advice. Guess it really won't get rancid but will keep an eye on it and may try to scoop a big top layer and recycle the very bottom in the future. I'll try to find bran too.
After six weeks of obsessively watching the incubating bin, I saw two little worms on a piece of apple yesterday. It was satisfying to see the complete cycle - larvae to pupae to beetle to eggs I can't see to larvae.
After six weeks of obsessively watching the incubating bin, I saw two little worms on a piece of apple yesterday. It was satisfying to see the complete cycle - larvae to pupae to beetle to eggs I can't see to larvae.
For sure! Usually the first sign of larvae for me is 'heaving' wheat bran. Kinda creepy.
And I have a pan of frass with trails running thru it.
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