Mealworm farming

Yep. They can flex their "tail" if they're disturbed, but that's about it until they emerge as beetles. The beetles will be very light colored at first, then darken and harden.

Thank you :)
My kids added lettuce and some other more moist "foods" and since I only check it every few days they had already molded n were nasty so I cleaned everything real good but thought maybe I killed them
X2 The worm next to it is probably going to pupate soon. The worms curl up in a C or O shape and stop moving around, then the go into a J shape right before they trans form. So don't mistake those for dead ones.

Oh no, I leave them all regardless... figure if they die, then they can be food for the others.. but the dead ones I've seen are black and hard..
They seem to congregate under the egg cartons when they're ready to change

eta: I was just curious bc it seems all the pupae roll on their backs and then don't move so was hoping I didn't screw up..was honestly expecting this process to take months, but they're moving along pretty fast. It's been maybe 3 weeks since I set the farm up with worms from the gas
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So when the beetles eventually hatch (2-3 weeks as pupae) they will dry and darken over the course of a week or so and then start getting down to biz. The eggs will be invisible to the naked eye, so do NOT throw away the substrate (oats) once you have beetles. The beetles will live 3-6 weeks and produce eggs the whole time. the eggs will take 2-3 weeks to hatch and then the cycle starts all over again. The baby worms will be very, very small... you'll know they're there because it will look like the oats are moving by themselves...
So when the beetles eventually hatch (2-3 weeks as pupae) they will dry and darken over the course of a week or so and then start getting down to biz. The eggs will be invisible to the naked eye, so do NOT throw away the substrate (oats) once you have beetles. The beetles will live 3-6 weeks and produce eggs the whole time. the eggs will take 2-3 weeks to hatch and then the cycle starts all over again. The baby worms will be very, very small... you'll know they're there because it will look like the oats are moving by themselves...

I have all of it in one tote.. when the beetles hatch, would it be better to start a 2nd tote to transfer the beetles to, or just leave them all in one?
I have every thing all together in one very large tote. (actually 4 large totes
) Entirely up to you.
Some here have stated categorically that the beetles are carnivorous and cannibalistic. From what research I've done, (edit to add: and from several years of observation and personal experience) it appears this is NOT the case. For the most part, all the beetles want to do is stay out of the light and mate, mate, mate... and then mate some more. Then lay some eggs. As long as you are providing a moisture source for them they will not need to suck moisture from other dying bugs in the bin. (the black, dead, dried out ones you see).
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