Mealworm farming

I'm getting ready to set up a mealworm farm - so much great info on here!!!. I have redworms (5 RM bins, 1 Can-O-Worms stacking system, and 1 Worm Inn) and tried (key word here, lol) BSFL with extremely limited success for two years (before I had chickens). I loved the BSFL but the summers here in MI are just too short to get a colony going well enough to build up significant numbers for the winter. I'm debating on whether or not to try the BSFL again but I know I can do well with the mealies.
Just curious as to if anyone on this thread has had any experience with this or not . . . composting worms love BSFL castings (part of the reason I had them). Does anyone give the mealie castings/frass to their composting worms? I read one of the articles that mentioned using frass as plant fertilizer successfully so I'm thinking it might do okay. I can always use one of my bins as a test bin (or start yet another, lol) but figured I would ask here first . . .
Ok.. I'm wanting to do this too.. i'm in zone 6..
I've read they for sure are in zone7 and can re-populate in that zone.
I've been reading here..

where he put's in a worm bin - I'm thinking a BSFL may work there too.
If a person kept it covered - to contain the heat they generate.. and on warm day's - Open the cover to let the fly's out to breed under a mosquito net..
- just a wild eye'd I dea.. It would be great to figure out a way to keep them.. going in winter.. or at least a way to harvest eggs.. that could re- populate the colony when temps warm up again.

If there are flaw's / or areas.. that some of the experienced.. BSFL people can see in this idea .. I welcome your thoughts.
Yes, I know...I discovered the capacity of the little monsters when the wind took the top off of one of my bins and 'someone' figured it out! Total desolation and eleven incredibly full and sleepy chicklets! And of course, wheat bran EVERYWHERE. :)

That's the problem with treats, though--it screws up a good balanced diet.....
Sounds like Thanksgiving at Mom's house..
I way prefer my dubias too, so much easier and more bang for your buck then mealworms. I started tiny like you w/ under 100 dubias, once you reach the tipping point the wait for the babies to grow isn't an issue any longer. I feed the sub adults to the chicks from nearly day one, they love them.
Kassaundra.. it seem's like every where i go to learn -- there you are ; )
I wish i lived closer to you .. to learn in person..

That said.. I am glad i live in such a dry place that it would be work.. to do the dubias.. ( and maybe its not work.
I realize that is just a predjuice or 2 that i am holding..
and i just hit the wall .. that i shake my head when i see other people with the " Euwww!" factor -
and i always hoped i would lean on the side to being open.. I'm not scared of them..
now.. i have to admit.. I'm prejudice ... dang.. there goes that good girl persona..

I have a mixed colony .. that i got from the (small town) pet store. not sure how many i got
but I get 1or 2 pupae / day and about that many beatles / - so I'm just getting started ..

? question.About Mites
- I got the bran. from feed store. and i did not - Heat or Freeze - treat the bran before putting the adults or worms in..
should I - Try and move them to a new media?
and how would i know i had mites.. before they kill all the worms.
and I'm thinking - If Mites are found .. its a bad idea to feed them to chickens.. as they may transfer to the chickens..

Thanks for the input. Debra
bbsnooks ~ You should be able to get a good population of BSFL going in your zone. I took a medium size dog crate, wrapped it in a huge sheer curtain (Goodwill - $3), set a 5 gallon bucket at an angle (used 2 bricks) with a 'catch' tray full of coco coir and voila! BSFL. I had them in a spot that was fairly protected in front of the house (good thing I don't have neighbors too close, lol). I had several pairs mature, mate, and lay eggs. Once I brought them in to the basement for the winter, they only limped along. I have daylight windows and supplemented with a plant light but it just wasn't enough . . .
You should do better than I was able to, hopefully. If you do - send me some BSFL castings for my worms please, lol!
Ok.. I'm wanting to do this too.. i'm in zone 6..
I've read they for sure are in zone7 and can re-populate in that zone.
I've been reading here..

where he put's in a worm bin - I'm thinking a BSFL may work there too.
If a person kept it covered - to contain the heat they generate.. and on warm day's - Open the cover to let the fly's out to breed under a mosquito net..
- just a wild eye'd I dea.. It would be great to figure out a way to keep them.. going in winter.. or at least a way to harvest eggs.. that could re- populate the colony when temps warm up again.

If there are flaw's / or areas.. that some of the experienced.. BSFL people can see in this idea .. I welcome your thoughts.
Sounds like Thanksgiving at Mom's house..
Kassaundra.. it seem's like every where i go to learn -- there you are ; )
I wish i lived closer to you .. to learn in person..

That said.. I am glad i live in such a dry place that it would be work.. to do the dubias.. ( and maybe its not work.
I realize that is just a predjuice or 2 that i am holding..
and i just hit the wall .. that i shake my head when i see other people with the " Euwww!" factor -
and i always hoped i would lean on the side to being open.. I'm not scared of them..
now.. i have to admit.. I'm prejudice ... dang.. there goes that good girl persona..

I have a mixed colony .. that i got from the (small town) pet store. not sure how many i got
but I get 1or 2 pupae / day and about that many beatles / - so I'm just getting started ..

? question.About Mites
- I got the bran. from feed store. and i did not - Heat or Freeze - treat the bran before putting the adults or worms in..
should I - Try and move them to a new media?
and how would i know i had mites.. before they kill all the worms.
and I'm thinking - If Mites are found .. its a bad idea to feed them to chickens.. as they may transfer to the chickens..

Thanks for the input. Debra
I always call them "dubias" and think of them as beetles or really big rolly polly's (or pill bugs depending on where you are from) They don't look like the germanic pest insects at all, that helps alot.

Yes, I'm on a lot of threads that deal w/ cheaper options or hippy dippy ideas!!!!!! lol lol lol I'll try almost anything once. My neighbors, friends, family, and work mates just roll thier eyes and sigh a lot.
I just got my first chicks this week & I want to start a meal worm farm.
Where can I get a starter kit or whatever they come in? I would like to stay away from eBay.

I just got my first chicks this week & I want to start a meal worm farm.
Where can I get a starter kit or whatever they come in? I would like to stay away from eBay.


Hi Jeff,
I'm new to meal worm farming myself, but I just picked some up at the local pet store. They have them in the reptile section, normally. Also, if you have a Gander Mountain (or anything like it) you can find them in the bait area. That's if you want instant gratification, lol. Otherwise, I would order from the peeps on here that grow them. I think I may order from one of the members here just to beef up my numbers :).
Quote: The benefit from ordering a kit (doesn't have to be from me
) is that you get a couple of generations of meal worms instead of having worms that are all the same size or stage of development. I usually try to have beetles, regular size worms, and micro (ones you can barely see) so you always have worms available once you get your farm started

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