Mealworm farming

It takes time Young Grasshopper. You must be patient. I guarantee the little beetles are having their fun.

AAAHHHHHH!!!!! My meally farm has mites. I have 4 bins and they all have mites. How do I get rid of them without killing the worms or beetles? Anyone researched washing the worms and betles? I have waited 2 months to get the original batch to multiply.

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I found a site that says you can take some beetles out of your infested bin and place them in a new DRY bin for a week without moisture. This will kill the mites. I will try it.

Did you treat your substrate prior to using it (either freezing or nuking?)

Noooo. I should have. It was grocery store oats and bran. I thought it would be safe. Of course, it could have come with the worms. They came from Petsmart.
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Thanks for the info. I checked that out. When you dumped the bins did they go away? You have a good looking mealie farm.

Your birds are very nice too

Once I dumped the bins I cleaned the plastic up easily enough. I did not use bleach but just a tiny bit of soap with some water. I think Oxine would be safe to use, too. But without the bran the mites had no food so they would have died soon enough. However I rinsed them, let them set for a day, I believe and then started over. Months later, all is still good. It was heart wrenching at the time though.
Oh, no! That is so terrible!

Are you going to dump or weed the the beetles, mealies and pupae out to another bin?

Ah, I should have read further. I would move them over and try it if it were me.
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I am going to move all the beetles over. Some of the bins had tiny mealies. I will let them grow, even with the mites. I will sort them out as they get bigger. I will try to keep the mites at bay with windex on the outsides and top of the bins.
It takes time Young Grasshopper. You must be patient. I guarantee the little beetles are having their fun.

Depends on temp. Around 70 degrees you should be able to see worms about 5-7 weeks after beetles. But you have to look for them. I know I made the mistake of glancing at the food I put in there and never found any. Then next thing I knew I had worms everywhere, my substrate literally moves on its own. Lower temps take longer, higher less.

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