Meet our new puppy!!! *she's home :)

We brought Mystique home today! The car ride was a little rough on her as there was lots of construction/stops and starts/twisty roads which resulted in a couple barfs. Now she is home and has a settled, rested and full tummy all is good. She is very interested in her new environment...the afternoon has looked like: "wow, check this out!"..."oh that was fun now I have to a). crash b). pee c). poop.
Here she is

Working the kitchen runway
Oh she is getting Cuter all the time!

I'm glad she recovered Quickly from her Rough car ride. Sounds like she feels right at home!

Puppies are so much fun! They have two speeds Fast and off

Looking forward to seeing many more photos as she grows!
Beautiful puppy - congratulations!

Our breeder let us come every week to visit when we bought our puppies three weeks before we could actually pick them up. Perhaps you could visit your new baby ina a similar fashion. Good luck.

I think I missed a full page of your thread! glad you have her home and she is doing well. She is a most beautiful puppy!
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