merging 6wk old and 10wk old


6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
This is my first post on here but I have been so thankful for the many many hours of reading and advice I have taken from this group. I have yet to find a situation like mine so I figured I better just ask. :)
We got our first round of chicks and lost half to some strange illness within the first week. After I was sure the illness was indeed gone, we bought another batch. They were all raised in the garage in desperate brooders but shared a chicken wire wall.
We introduced them last week in the run, the first meeting one baby got her neck ripped open. :/ scared me to death! So I read and read and added a bunch of "stuff" to the run. My hubby calls it a chicken obstacle course. :) anyways, its gone amazing since then. We had them in the run only. Sunday night I moved the babies into the coop. I wanted them to establish it as their in hopes of making it easier to add the big girls.
Now my question is this... at what point do I add the big girls to the coop too? Right now its closed during the day, all food and water is in the run, then taken to their desperate night time spaces. We do have a pair of big girls who seem to block the littles from food so I am hesitant to move the food inside the coop as of yet since they could easily guard the one door in and out. Its a mixed flock so its easy to pick out the trouble makers. I decided to leave them in the brooder today to see how the dynamic was without them, and its AMAZING how much more brave the babies are today. They are venturing all over the run, and not hiding all day under the board I set up for them as a safe place.
I plan to add a similar hiding area in the coop for a while. Help!
Whoops! Separate not desperate! But I am pretty desperate. Catching the 12 big girls every night and walking them all the back the house is NO fun.
There are multipul threads on merging flocks.

Physical size is key as well as numbers. merging 2 new girls into an established group takes much more time than merging 2 groups of simular sizes.

For this type of combine we usually include the little ones inside the coupe of the big girls with a chicken wire barrier. This allows the girls to get to know one another without being able to effectivly peck each other. Id fence off a small section of the larger coup for the little ones and introduce them full time. In a week or more, let them loose. There should be few problems by then.
I have seen a lot of threads but not regarding such a close age and to a brand new coop. The little girls are in the coop already so you think I should fence off an area and let them all stay the night? That would be nice to not have to cart the big girl back and forth. I guess I was just worried about the big girls thinking its theirs.
How long before the littles will catch up in size more?
What's the thoughts on food and water in the coop?
And also they are fully together in the run all day right now. Will that help at all or is the coop a different dynamic?

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