Metal corrugated roof! Ugh...

Hen on A June bug, yes it may cause corrosion, in about 4-5 years, if not longer but you just take the sheet metal off and put on some new. I get mine at Home Depot and its not as strong as the Metal Mart R panel but it does the job. And MyBackYard Peepers if I still had a moisture problem like that, after fixing the roof, I'd give a Humidifier a try, and see if it helps. Just saying. Of course, we very rarely get snow around the San Antonio, Tx area.
Hi. I thought about those dehumidifier that don't take electricity, even though I do have electricity out there. Thanks.
My BackYard Peepers you could also see if there's someone at Home Depot that re-do your roof. They do have services like that, at least here in our area.I know you don't want to put more money into it but the sake of chickens and duck, its worth it.
I will look into pricing. I have the ability, just fighting weather.
We are struggling with the same problem and we have lots of venting, including windows, ridge vents, and a ceiling fan vent. Ive half thought to drag a dehumidifier out there, but we have 200 +/- chickens and so lots of humidity. Next spring, soon as it is warm enough, we are going to paint on a roof sealer. The weather was too cold to apply it before we figured out the condensation problem. The only other alternative that we can think of is rip the thing off and put plywood up, but that is sooo expensive.
We are struggling with the same problem and we have lots of venting, including windows, ridge vents, and a ceiling fan vent. Ive half thought to drag a dehumidifier out there, but we have 200 +/- chickens and so lots of humidity. Next spring, soon as it is warm enough, we are going to paint on a roof sealer. The weather was too cold to apply it before we figured out the condensation problem. The only other alternative that we can think of is rip the thing off and put plywood up, but that is sooo expensive.
I don't think sealing the outside is going to stop inside condensation, that's why I'm spraying the inside of the metal. Next year I am ripping it off too.

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