Mice in chicken coop

I raise rats (I know, I can hear it now...BOO HISS!!!), but I also have Pythons and Boa's so, the rats are food. However, I know how smart the little beggars are..rats can and will outsmart you. And they will grow accustomed to traps, and learn to avoid them. It is best to not put a trap in the same place continually-move it around a bit.

Someone mentioned earlier that they had hoped that they killed the 'breeding pair'...maybe, but doubtful. Rats have litters of roughly 14, but commonly 24 babies every 20 or so days. They are sexually mature at about 5 weeks old. And you can be sure that Momma Rat is already pregnant again before she has weaned her last litter. Rats do not hesitate to inbreed, nor are they selective...so, you don't really have to do the math here. If you've seen a rat, you should expect that there's a dozen more you haven't seen.

The best thing is to remove the food source, which in this case isn't really possible. The second best thing is a cat. Most any cat will mouse, if for nothing other than fun. Even if your cat does not mouse, if you have your cat hang around the coop- maybe feed the cat outside of the coop- it's smell will be there and the mice and rats DO avoid the smell of cat.
This may sound a little crazy, but you may be able to place your cats bed or really anything the cat lays on a lot in the coop near where you suspect the mice are gaining entry and see if the smell from the item deters the rats at all. Just a thought there.

If traps are your choice, I can recommend chocolate for bait, it is toxic to rats and mice, but they love it. Probably also bad for chickens, though. However, they do 'hoard' food, so allowing them to take chocolate back to their nest will kill any other rats (i.e. the babies) that eat from the stash.

Mice love dog and cat food. Too much protien will kill them.

Steel wool works to fill gaps until the mice chew holes next to the filled holes..

The only other thing I can think of is to possibly provide a food source away from the coop. Might not be feasible, but it could work...a handful of dog food dumped a ways away might get them going in the opposite direction??

What I DO know for sure is that if you have mice/rats, the snakes won't be far behind. And they'll stick around as long as the rodents are plentiful.
Try Mouse Magic by Bonide. Spearmint and peppermint leaves in little packets - mice reportedly hate the smell. And as you are doing, make sure no food is accessible overnight while your feathered friends are sleeping (or anywhere other than where you are feeding them in the day). Super duper clean all areas to freshen everythinga nd make sure no food crumbles/scraps are anywhere else. Eventually the mice will find 'greener' pastures. JJ
Ten easy ways to get rid of mice in the coop
1. keep a cat in the coop, however, the cat and the chickens may not like this method.
2. put away food when chickens are done eating, however, chickens are never done eating.
3. put out mouse traps with peanut butter as bait, however, chickens love peanut butter.....
4. put out poison bait. Seems chickens like that too.
5. Hmmmm, put poison bait where chickens cant eat it. No problem, they'll just eat the mice after the mice eat the poison.
6. use plug in "drives away insects and rodents as seen on tv" device, LOL, might as well have just flushed the $19,99.
7. Buy expensive battery operated Rat Zapper and have hubby stick finger inside to test it. Recycle the remains after hubby smashes it.
8. Set up a chair and wait all night with a broom to smash the little buggers when they show up.
9. Burn coop to the ground while laughing maniacally and dancing around the coop.
10. Move chickens into the spare bedroom until the new Fort Knox Coop is built.

Arrrrrrghhh! I hate mice.

:lau :yuckyuck
I have read that food is obviously what he is going for but what kind of a feeder do you have that can be left out all the time and still be mouse-proofed?? We have a tub with PVC pipe that the girls stick their heads in to eat the food but it is left out all the time. It is under the coop but in the run to keep it out of the weather. We are suburban people with 4 hens.

Just wondering thoughts on how to handle the "don't leave food out" option while still making it accessible. If we have to bring the food in every night, we CAN but its so much easier to not. Lol!
@Al Gerhart can tell you.
ETA...tag didn't hold....look up his treadle feeder.
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In all seriousness, you could get one of those peck bit feeders that dispenses only a few pellets at a time, as and when the chickens peck at it. Food is what is attracting them, so make sure that the bags of feed are in mouse-proof containers, like metal dustbins.
We have our bags of feed in mouse proof containers..... its the chickens who wont keep the mice out of their feeders!
The coop have 25lb feeders so unfortunately, there is always feed available for the wee mousies. If we only had a couple chickens then we could probably put out just enough for them to eat, but with lots of coops, lots of birds, ducks n geese , and such, larger feeders are required. Otherwise, the dominant birds would be the only ones that got to eat.

No, Rob, I havent gotten thru the whole list yet...... Im only on number 3, but planning ahead because the mice arent cooperating. On the good side though, I havent had to pry a mouse trap off a chickens head yet....


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