Mice in chicken coop

Hi, was just reading about the problems with mice in the co-op, but can someone let me know if the mice hurt the chickens or if it is only a problem with stealing food and chewing holes in everything?
Coca Cola, I have heard that mice can't belch,
don't know about it's effect on chickens, but, if place out of their reach??????
Hi, was just reading about the problems with mice in the co-op, but can someone let me know if the mice hurt the chickens or if it is only a problem with stealing food and chewing holes in everything?
I second this question. I just saw (only a moment ago for the first time) that field mice have made a home in the space between the ceiling of the coop and the roof. They're just little babies and I'm sort of an animal lover so... if they wont bother the chickens, I don't want to bother them.

By the way, I found this out because every night my cat has been coming to the door with a baby mouse in his mouth. This time I took the mouse and put it in the grass, let the cat back out and followed him. First he checked where he'd last left it, it wasnt there, so he went directly to the chicken coop, sat his little butt on the ground and stared up at the roof. Guess he's just been waiting all night for them to fall into his lap each night.

Well, I did put the baby he had caught back up there. Lol, I'm terrible.
I second this question. I just saw (only a moment ago for the first time) that field mice have made a home in the space between the ceiling of the coop and the roof. They're just little babies and I'm sort of an animal lover so... if they wont bother the chickens, I don't want to bother them.

By the way, I found this out because every night my cat has been coming to the door with a baby mouse in his mouth. This time I took the mouse and put it in the grass, let the cat back out and followed him. First he checked where he'd last left it, it wasnt there, so he went directly to the chicken coop, sat his little butt on the ground and stared up at the roof. Guess he's just been waiting all night for them to fall into his lap each night.

Well, I did put the baby he had caught back up there. Lol, I'm terrible.

Just saw that this is a really old post...but, question still remains! Are mice bad for the chickies?!?
Ivory, I don't think a few mice are a problem. I always just tried to make sure it didn't get to much more than that by keeping food sealed at night etc. I also used Mouse Magic by Bonide as a repellent (can google this). I don't honestly now how effective it is but I have never had a large 'problem'.

(Unfortunately for mice, once attacked by a cat such that a cat's saliva makes content with broken skin on the mouse, powerful bacteria from the cat's saliva is often documented to almost certainly mean a death sentence for the mouse that gets away [or any small being a cat grabs, e.g. bird] unless the attacked being receives antibiotic treatment (from wildlife rehab place, for example). I personally do not like to see any being - mouse or otherwise, suffer a slow death from infection so I am very upset when one of my cats catches anything, mice included... I'm trying to discourage it....my cats know squirrels are off limits [I love them] and all but one hurts nothing - just one little rescue cat Sadie has suddenly undertaken a mission to bring mice as gifts - erggggg......she is beginning to get the message that this is not appreciated! Poor little cute terrified mice - I do not wish this on them)

I am having an issue with rats getting into the coops at night. I haven't a clue as to why. I literally scoop all poop from the coops first thing in the morning and right before the chickens go to roost. I also remove ALL food from the coops at roosting time (followed by a very thorough cleaning of remaining pellets/grains with a shop-vac). There is nothing in my coops but 3 pullets (one) and 4 bantams (coop 2) and a single container of water in each. We haven't any nesting materials in the nest boxes yet because the pullets are too young to begin laying. Each morning when I go out to let 'em out to roam I inevitably find 3-5 rat droppings in the nest boxes of one coop or the other. (It's very obvious since there isn't anything else in the nest boxes.) Several weks ago I set rat traps, caught one rat, and the problem seemed to be resolved. Now, the daily droppings have returned. HELP! I don't know what else to do unless I rewire the entire coop. (We do currently have chicken wire instead of hardware cloth......but since there was no food source we didn't see a reason for mice/rats to enter the coop.) Any ideas/suggestions? I'm at my wit's end....
Shelter and water attracted rodents also- they also like nesting material (feathers) especially where it's hot like here in FL or there in TX

I've been slowly fixing holes in my coop - greatstuff with wire mesh in it... more wood... but it's a slow process... any hole...
Hmm. I suppose the water might be what they're after. (although we have two fountains in the back yard which would be easier sources) We have thoroughly scoured the coop structure, and cannot find any potential sources of entry. (It is off of the ground, as well, with a run underneath - and wire buried across the bottom of the run) I think that we'll be undertaking removal of the chicken wire and replacement with hardware cloth. We have been in this house for 12 years and haven't had any problems with rodents until about four weeks after placing the chickens in the coop. (got the chickens at the end of March)
Sorry to hear of your troubles TX. It does sound like you are doing everything smart. If you are having awful heat there, maybe they are seeking shelter from it, I don't know. But yes, the hardware cloth may be the necessary thing. It was in my case at one time years back. It made all the difference........
It is very hot, here (although typical). I do have a mister in the large oak above the coops, and a fan on each coop. -stays comfortable for them. -One morning, recently, I found a half eaten acorn in the coop (wasn't there the prior evening). I do suspect that it had been brought in by a rat. -probably is sheltering there. We are "remodeling" the coop with the harware cloth to prevent/eliminate the situation.

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