Michigan Hatchers! What'cha got cookin?

Candled yesterday (Day 12) all 6 remaining BCMxCCL croses alive and kickin'!
Marans look pretty good, hard to see much, but did see some movement.
OE backcrosses are impossible to see anything, can barely see the air cells.
First one out.... incubator still say dao 01 on it...so this one was early for sure....
So we lost the 2 black chicks the first night. Literally. Couldn't find any sign of them what so ever. Broody decided she didn't like the rubbermaid setup, and moved to the side of it under the roosting ledge. The tan one is still chirping along and I have seen it eat out of it's feeder, so far so good for that one.

It seems I may have read somewhere that some hens don't do well with black chicks?
Bummer, Bob...hard to say what happened to those chicks.
You never found any sign of them?
Not sure I buy the black chicks bias.
I was just out at the coop to check on baby, now that it is day 3. Also to see how much water damage is occurring with the snow beginning to melt... Walked in to peep peep peep! Broody momma has brought out baby into the main coop area, not hiding anymore. Here is the video I took. The quality isn't great.
Tomorrow is Rubbbermaid area breakdown day, now that they are out into the general population area. Perhaps I will find remains then.

While I took this video, there were 3 other flock members nearby, totally leaving the baby alone. Bob, Ethel and Dixie all were present, calm and peaceful. The chatter is Ethel, she talks to me like that every time I go into the coop or run. She's kinda fond of me, bringing her food, scratch, and treats. Not to mention saving her from the stupid dogs one time....

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