Michigan says no more chickens

I saw this article this morning.... How the hell can they do that? Im not giving up my babies for any government.. sorry.. We have the right to feed ourselves, farming (feeding ourselves) its the most basic human instinct we have and they want to take that away??? This is so not right... in too many ways...
I had just seen this too and was looking for a place to post til I saw this.

Technically I live in rural area.
I hope my chicken coop is 250 ft from my neighbors house

4 out of 7 neighbors of us have chickens and others own lifestock
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It amazes me how governments do stuff like this with no regards for the wishes of the people. I wonder how many people moved to where they are because of a certain law, only to see that law go away.

I currently live in the county, no city government to tell me what to do. (I live in California) I don't have to abide by certain California regulations that only apply to cities. Recently I found out that this area may be incorporating into a city, and everything that is good will be gone, just like that...
I signed it and shared it on facebook.... and it is off.... I sure hope they get this fixed, it is not just chickens, it is farming...... just so friggin sad!

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