Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

It was not my intention to "support" irresponsible pet owners at all. I was trying to prevent another animal from ending up in a shelter taking up already stretched resources. My daughter and I have volunteered at a shelter and it was horrible to see the looks on the lonely dogs faces there. I was only trying to keep a dog out of the kennel life.

BTW, we are currently working with a shelter in Howell about adopting a dog from their shelter.
I know how you feel. When we visited out local shelter, I just wanted to take ALL of the dogs home, they looked so sad. It was really hard to leave our new boy there over the weekend while they set up the neuter appointment. He was so happy to meet us, and his new sister, and then when we left, his face just fell, and his body just collapsed and I almost cried.

The only time I ever feel murderous rages is over cruelty to animals and children.
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Here is their page https://www.facebook.com/MIFiberIndustryCoalition

You can friend me if you like. Just be forewarned that I can be a tad more profane than when I post here.

lol........... wait till you see mine..........
PM me if you want to friend me on FB, anyone is welcome, just be fore warned I have opinions!

I have an art and farm page too if anyone is interested...
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so.... anyone got an idea on what they would sell a processed chicken for? Also... what is the going rate for heritage turkey per pound... last year I got $6 a pound!
Boy, been busy, busy, busy! Got a new full time job, so I am working from 7 to 5, working at a smaller and closer dairy farm. I like it better than the previous job as I am not just milking 200+ cows anymore. This time I am feeding calves and cows, and odd stuff around the farm.

Congrats and condolences to all.

Catch ya all later.

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