Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hi, I'm new to the board.

So what is going on with Michigan and tthe right to farm? Where I live its all zoned Ag and nobody gets in your business and almost any thing goes!
The gist of it is, as far as I understand, that they are trying to re-write the GAAMPS (generally accepted agircultural managment practices) in such a way that RTF protections are stripped from small and urban farms, and turn all control over to individual townships, although that's not REALLY what the wording says.

Set-backs from property lines for coops, etc and the number of neighbors within a certain distance in some zoning areas makes it impossible to have poultry (or other small barnyard animals) and still meet the GAAMPS. And all it takes is ONE GRUMPY PERSON to go to the township and complain.......
Glad so many of you could make it to the meeting yesterday, thanks for representing us. I wonder if the gov't didn't show because of all the letters and such, not wanting to face the "mob".

I wanted to be there but at 9am yesterday I was laying in the ER. Yay me! It was just a bad reaction to a new medication. I got so weak I could hardly walk and felt so terrible. They sent me home after the blood work showed no toxicity and told me to stop taking the medication - you think? But I'm still really weak today so taking it easy.

Anyway, chickens are picking up on their egg laying with the longer days and that's good. The two cornation sussex pullets are both laying now and I just boiled up a pan full of their little eggs for quick protein fixes (tired of nuts). They're the perfect size for snacks, those little eggs.
My sister in law buys eggs and fresh meat from a small farmer. She just got wind of this and she is so angry. I told her to send the article she has to everyone she knows. City folk may have brought this on, but city folk can help from making changes. She actually likes the idea of having her own chickens one day. She's a true city girl though, so not no sure she could handle it!
Wow.....I did not realize this was going on. Definitely going to keep my eyes & ears alert. Has there been anything on the local news stations about this? If there has been I've missed it.
I'm just starting an urban farm; I pick up my chicks in March. I live in a residential neighborhood in Ferndale, which approved an ordinance allowing hens in 2012. I'll be watching this issue closely.
I'm SO SICK OF THIS COLD and the frozen eggs that it makes! Don't get me wrong. I don't hate winter. I just *prefer* it to be in the 20s instead of the 5s. Had to throw away a lovely olive egg yesterday (and if these are PULLET eggs, I can't WAIT to see what size egg she is laying come summer) and 2 brown eggs today.

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