Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I substitute hash browns for the bread that is called for in all those breakfast casseroles you can find online. Basically I cook the hash browns, put them on the bottom of the casserole dish, sprinkle with meat of choice, onions, jalapeños (or whatever), cheese, then pour egg & milk (ok I use half n half :)); put in oven & bake. Even good as leftovers.

No recipe, but add onions, garlic, cream, and ham. How could it be bad? Mary
Thanks for the help I think that is it sub potatoes for bread, and 1/2 & 1/2 sounds awsome
How do ya'll deal with a hawk that is coming back day after day? It got one of my cockerels in a tree but he ended up dropping it and flying away
, the cockerel is fine, a little flustered but fine
. This day 8 of the hawk coming by every day
. I also might have lost one to a hawk/owl previously, we are not sure what got her
. We also had some bald eagles yesterday but they did not stick around, and stayed at a pretty good altitude


Sorry about your preditor attack @preciouskitty
All raptors are protected by STRICT federal laws. It is even illegal to do anything that might be considered harassment. Your only defense is to confine your flock until the hawk leaves.
all you can do is keep them in a covered run till the hawk migration is over, you may be in their migration path, Sorry!

I found my hash brown recipe thanks for jarring my memory
8 eggs.....,1can evaporated milk ....2 cups sour cream....1t salt 1 t pepper.....1sm. can green chillie peppers.....1cup onion..chopped ..8oz shredded sharp cheddar.....2cups ham..... a 26 oz bag of hash, browns.......I improvise with what I have on hand bake at 350 for 1hr.
fast eseay
So. Chicken news.

Pretty sure yesterday was a hawk attack (there is a pic in my Ameraucana album under my profile; don't feel comfortable posting it here..it's not gory & only took it to send to DH yesterday since he wasn't home). I got Rana (Blue) & Kali (black) from Wynette at CS2014.

Birds had been out since about 0800. At 1600, noticed Rana wasn't with the rest of the crew near the coop. Earlier in the day I had seen her walking around near the tall grass on the west side of my house; believe she has a nest somewhere over there, or was looking for a good place to lay. She had just started laying about 10 days ago. Most my girls seem to like laying in the yard lately...probably since Maia has gone broody AGAIN (she just hatched the babies on 11 May)...

So, I walk the perimeter. Go for a second round, turn the corner & saw LOTS of feathers. Was devastated immediately. Mind you, it had been less than a minute since I had been over there & it happened so quick, she never could've known what hit her...not one sound...

Had seen a hawk in my front tree earlier in the day, went out to make sure everyone was together with Bigboy. He is an excellent warning system to the girls. Unfortunately, Rana was off by herself this time...

Today everyone has been on lockdown...they are not happy. Kali has been crying a lot (don't laugh, but I honestly can tell when that silly girl is upset or scared). Her & Rana were VERY close. It took me 2 months to get them integrated into the flock; they've only been in the coop at night with everyone else for 3 weeks. No prob free ranging them all together from the get go after quarantine. But being in the run/coop didn't work out so well...& it was more than just pecking order.

I know this is part of the risk with free ranging. And, I also know that I have been really lucky to have had no predator attacks of any kind until yesterday. But, even knowing this, I am still really bummed.

On a lighter note, the girls Maia hatched in May are now 19 weeks old, combs a pinkening up; so should start seeing some eggs in the near future. 2 EEs & 1 OE, so excited to see the egg colors.

Sorry for the long post (& any typos as I'm now too lazy to go back & re-read)
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Hi PK!
So sorry about your loss. That is devastating to lose even 1.

I make my egg casseroles pretty much the same way! Hashbrowns on the bottom, meat- usually ham/bacon, onions, peppers, mushrooms and eggs and 1/2 n 1/2, and cheese. Sometimes I use cresent rolls on the bottom , sometimes I add them on top. Now I want to make one! they are especially good this time of year for some reason.

Question - Are salmon favorelles noisy? Mine is always making noise! She's low on the pecking order along with a BCM who had an impacted crop when she was younger. After a week of no improvement I was ready to cull her but DSO said let nature takes its course. So I kept at working with her, giving her oil with her wet mash. She didn't want to be caged up any longer so I let her be with the flock. She grew enough the impaction passed! But she is so skinny I don't know how I'm going to keep her warm this winter. The Favorelle and her hang out together and the 2 silkies when they aren't broody, who started laying at about 22 weeks. Layed for a couple of weeks and went broody together. Now they are done for I don't know how long.
The don't roost either. They've made a nest on the floor in an out of the way corner. I don't know how they'll stay warm this winter either.

Sorry about your 15 days RaZ! That stinks! I can almost smell it down here in Ohio! They need to just move on to REAL business!
Most raptors are opportunistic feeders and highways offer up a daily smorgasbord that take full advantage of. Gorging on this mashed menu makes them heavier and slows their ability to take flight quickly. This slowed reaction often leads to their being struck by automobiles.

If I plant sweet potatoes again next year I will have to plant them somewhere other than in my garden. It is just too rich and lead to rather bizarre growth in the sweet potatoes. I dug them yesterday and 4 plants yielded a 5 gallon pail full. Due to their size and shape I will can them this weekend rather than hardening for storage. Here are a few examples.

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