Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I agree with aart and uchytil. I always interloan before I buy. Even our tiny library carries Mother Earth News.

My Seramas have been spending nights inside. I ordered them an actual heater for their new coop only to have it come broken. Last night I went to close up birds only to find Matilda a bantam Cochin neck deep in the duck's pool. Her wet feathers were so heavy she couldn't fly out. She also got spend the night inside as it got down to 26 and and didn't need her frozen stiff.

For the last month I've had an sore elbow. I finally went to the dr. And found out its a tendon, now I have to go to physical therapy. It seems like unrelated things bother it. Dicing tomatoes, turning door knobs and shelving books seem the worst. So my outdoor heavy work keeps getting put off.

Eggs... I have ??80+?? Or something like it birds right now ( to be fair, quite a few roosters) and I'm only get about a dozen eggs a day. If you hear of anyone up north this way who wants an instant flock, I have 9 birds that are almost 6 months old who need a home. They are not integrating in my flock and are separate. That's ok for now but come snow it isn't going to work well.
I'm not a stranger to the library & I read everyday. I love books in any form I can get them, though I prefer the physical copy rather than my kindle (that I only use if a particular book I want to read isn't available from the library). My best friend lovingly calls me a "nerd". However, magazines are not requestable through MelCat unfortunately. Thank you aart for mentioning the library though... I was trying to figure out where to find these on a newsstand & now I'm shaking my head for not thinking the library in the first place myself. LOL. My local haunts (3 libraries near me) have nothing. Of course, small towns here. But I see some of the KDL's do have them. So I'll pop into one of those the next time I take the drive to GR & thumb through a couple to see if any look good. Yes, I am considering an actual subscription. I would like one that will bring me new ideas that will interest me. And I'd like the new ideas coming TO me rather than me having to search for them. I'm already online 8-10 hours a day... for my job, plus some social, current news, & research. In my "down time" (which is very little), I'd prefer to not be in front of my computer. Luckily with winter coming up, I should "hopefully" have more time to spend in front of my fire, with only my oldest son's bowling season active, & the garden is void. So, I need more info for my brain to soak up... a magazine should do. Then if I have a question or want to look into something further I can research the topic online.

We've had no eggs for 2.5 weeks from our 5 hens. Today I dosed them all with ivermectin just in case parasites are causing a halt in eggs. They look healthy, are acting normal... we'll see. *If* that's the cause, does anyone have an idea of when we might see an egg again? A few days? Weeks?

Has your EE started laying yet? Also... did you put a light on for them? That might help with their laying. Our days are getting shorter.
Elbow tendonitis is a roaring bear. Have had it a dozen times, both arms - insides and outsides, over the years.
Takes a long time to heal up, ibuprofen and rest is good- but hard to do, those elastic bands with the little air pillows can really help ease the pain.

Found a teeny tiny bit of ice on the waterer this morning...here it comes!...time to get the winter waterer put together.
Did you have a reason to suspect parasites?
How old are your hens? What breed are they? Not every breed lays daily.
There are several variables that may be in play.
Has your EE started laying yet? Also... did you put a light on for them? That might help with their laying. Our days are getting shorter.
I still don't know, Maah! It's possible that she's laying a pinkish egg, but that's also our Australorp's shade. They really slowed down about 6 weeks ago, and then no eggs at all for 2.5 weeks. I'm in the "no light" camp. If it's the natural light decrease, I'm fine. I just dosed as a precaution. I know there are other potential reasons. I was just curious if anyone had experiences of their birds getting back on track after meds, and if so how long did it take.
Elbow tendonitis is a roaring bear. Have had it a dozen times, both arms - insides and outsides, over the years.
Takes a long time to heal up, ibuprofen and rest is good- but hard to do, those elastic bands with the little air pillows can really help ease the pain. sending healing vibes your way could you send some in return for the sudden, strange numbness of my left hand? *prob pinched nerve from yrs of damage*

Found a teeny tiny bit of ice on the waterer this morning...here it comes!...time to get the winter waterer put together. bite your tongue! nooooo!

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