Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I really love reading this thread.....I've been a member of BYC for just over a year now, and had my first ever flock just coming up on a year. Love to read all your posts, and have posted a few myself(even though they have had no replies :-{ } Its so nice to have all this information to hand when you need it...thanks to you all!
I really love reading this thread.....I've been a member of BYC for just over a year now, and had my first ever flock just coming up on a year. Love to read all your posts, and have posted a few myself(even though they have had no replies :-{ } Its so nice to have all this information to hand when you need it...thanks to you all!
Well, sorry you haven't had replied in the past.

Hello and come on in.

Make yourself comfortable..
I really love reading this thread.....I've been a member of BYC for just over a year now, and had my first ever flock just coming up on a year. Love to read all your posts, and have posted a few myself(even though they have had no replies :-{ } Its so nice to have all this information to hand when you need it...thanks to you all!

This thread can move rather fast, sometimes, so things often get missed. If a question is urgent or important, it helps to make a thread in an applicable subforum.
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What is the best way to take care of pasty butt??
I dip their butt in warm water and hold them there for a bit and it loosens up and then you can wipe it off with a damp rag. The biggest thing is patience, but once you get ahead of it it shouldn't be a problem. So far, I've only had to repeat 3 times on one chick, all others took 2 times. I also wiped a bit of olive oil on the vent to help it from resticking.
Good luck.
I've got a Seabright cockerel if anyone is interested; around 6 weeks old; Townline hatchery chick. By chance, does anyone who has had the breed know their general crowing habits?
My Sebright crowed all day long for his short obnoxious lifetime. I have another 7 week old just starting now.
Co-op is short for cooperative. Farmers form co-ops to pool their resources, and as local sources of seed, fertilizer and other farming supplies. They are often grain elevators as well, where farmers take their harvests so they can be consolidated and shipped.
Does anyone have experience moving ground bee nests? Eastern Bumblebees. I hate to kill them, but last year I was swarmed and stung in the face. I really had hoped they'd move on.

No projects @gaitngirl, still waiting for my post hole digger and the new pasture. Have have mixed results with the 50/50 alfalfa/clover mix I sowed... One area is going like gangbusters, the rest, meh, not so much.
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Does anyone have experience moving ground bee nests? Eastern Bumblebees. I hate to kill them, but last year I was swarmed and stung in the face. I really had hoped they'd move on.
No projects @gaitngirl , still waiting for my post hole digger and the new pasture. Have have mixed results with the 50/50 alfalfa/clover mix I sowed... One area is going like gangbusters, the rest, meh, not so much.
Found this on gardenweb...http://forums.gardenweb.com/discussions/1539370/should-i-get-rid-of-bumble-bee-nest-how.

Suggested solution:
"Often just flooding a ground-based nest with water is sufficient to encourage the bees to move on -- most ground dwelling bees 'borrow' or appropriate burrows of other creatures to construct their nests and will relocate at will. I would attempt this method first before resorting to any kind of chemical control. Be careful!! Approach only late in the day, just at twilight when the bees congregate at the nest for the night. Place the hose carefully and then stay well away while the flooding occurs. It may take a couple of tries before they give up and move on.

And i guess it worked:
After four days of watering the bumble bee nest all night with a steady slow soak, my bees have been evicted! There has been no activity at the nest for two days.
I really love reading this thread.....I've been a member of BYC for just over a year now, and had my first ever flock just coming up on a year. Love to read all your posts, and have posted a few myself(even though they have had no replies :-{ } Its so nice to have all this information to hand when you need it...thanks to you all!
Hi and welcome my post usually don't get replies either but we ate one big happy family here

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