Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

She's not injured or bleeding anywhere, and seems fine, she backs off when they pick on her, and its usually when I first put out scraps for them, it seems to be 2 main culprits out of the flock...I have 5 hens in total. They free range from about noon to bedtime and I don't see them pick on her other than snack time
Even though I still have a week of posts to get thru; I'm gonna go ahead & comment on this one..I apologize in advance if by not reading on prior to commenting that this has no relevance (I have had serious computer latency issues at work & home, thus really haven't been able to participate lately).

This happened to one of my girls, Sweetie, just before Easter. Same, EXACT thing at treat time. To the point where blood was drawn.

I didn't know what to do & took to bringing her in the house at bedtime, or when blood was let. I did throw her back outside during free range time when I could monitor. After about 5 days, all the fighting stopped. It was very strange.

Sadly, the main culprit, Curley, was killed by a hawk yesterday afternoon...
I am still very upset..even though I know this is always a risk when free ranging. None of them would come out from cover for over an hour & I wanted to get them back to the safe coop! I could not find my other 3 PRs after the attack; finally after 2 hours, 2 of them came peaking out of a dilapidated shed & I was able to get them into the coop with the others (the third one, Sweetie, I had to literally pick up & take to the coop!). THEN about 4 hours later a cute, little yellow finch decided to commit suicide using my glass, side door.

Ok...I shall quit my book & try & read thru the last 10 days worth of posts...
My broody call ducks have been making me nuts. They have been sitting about a week and a half and I could not find them. After some sneaking around following them I found they were under our shed, where I couldn't just grab and throw out the eggs. I would be happy to let them sit if I could find local eggs but that has been impossible. I wasn't too worried about them until the past two nights they have been wandering around after dark. Also something got into the eggs during the night and it could just as easily gotten them. So I waited until they were both out and blocked off the shed. They pushed things around and managed to get back under. So finally yesterday they were out at the same time again and I caught them. It took some work! I penned them both up in a small coop. They are there at least through tomorrow but I'm not sure how long it takes to break a broody duck. We did it before by just taking their eggs but I can't do that this time.

It is cold this morning!
Framing walls in shorts yesterday, back in winter clothes today...oops I forgot to bring in the plants I am hardening off. I think they'll be okay and stronger for it! At least no frost here.
Framing walls in shorts yesterday, back in winter clothes today...oops I forgot to bring in the plants I am hardening off. I think they'll be okay and stronger for it! At least no frost here.
I Know, Right?!?!

I like the coolness tho.......I can't function in the heat/humidity, and no AC here.
There is discussion on the Chickenstock thread about cancelling the event because of the fear of the bird flu. I like for you all to tell us your thoughts on the matter.
Agree with chickflick; might be good if everyone read the last few days of discussion on that thread prior to forming an opinion (e.g., Wynette contacted Dr. Fulton at MSU for his thoughts...)

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