Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Air temp is 16 and the wind chill is 2 degrees right now. And the best part was power slides and 4 wheels drifts on the tractor.

The snow was deep and damp enough to really tax the tractor. I was having a ton of fun! It's still coming down. I might have to go out and play after my fingers thaw out. I haven't had this much fun since I was a kid. :wee
Seriously...on a tractor!?!?
Sighs, gazes off into the past, donuts in the old pickup truck.
But WHEEEEE.....Have fun, don't tip it over! :lol:
Yes, on a tractor. The circular drive is on a slope. Makes for some slipping and sliding. I really should think about some tire chains. But damn, it was fun!
I really should think about some tire chains. But damn, it was fun!
My thoughts exactly.
Giggles, glad you had some fun!
Chains are a must here and some extra weight too.
I know, I know....not a 'real' tractor....but that little beast, she gets the job done!
My thoughts exactly.
Giggles, glad you had some fun!
Chains are a must here and some extra weight too.
I know, I know....not a 'real' tractor....but that little beast, she gets the job done!
Yes, I did. This was the first time that I really moved some snow with the "big" tractor. The tires are "loaded" with beet juice.
Last year, I used the lawn tractor with tire chains and it did well enough except for really deep or heavy snow. I won't look down my nose at any machine that helps makes the job easier. I guess that is my engineering background. "Work smarter, not harder".
I won't look down my nose at any machine that helps makes the job easier. I guess that is my engineering background. "Work smarter, not harder".
Even after 20 years I am still a little amazed at the snow this thing can toss,
even frozen plow wash does not daunt it much.
Have even used it as a 'plow' to push snow that's too wet to throw.
Between the retaining wall, fence and sheer size of drive I couldn't live here without it.
1987 JD 216 L&G
Oops missed pics in last post.

Can you guys come plow me out? Hubs got most all the drive and a path to the sheep/pig pen done, and then the snow blower broke. :th I spent the rest of the evening shoveling, and wouldn't you know, right about the time it got warm and the snow got heavy!

I sometimes really miss not having a RWD car....... that was such a blast in the snow. I did manage to pull off a little fun in the parking lot at work this morning, but AWD tends to keep it on the down low. I managed to get all the way to work fine until State Street in Ann Arbor..... black ice.... and everyone driving like they are invincible. :confused:

Stay warm peeps!
Lots of snow here. But, it's really fine and light. Thank goodness. No problem shoveling and throwing the snow over the fence. Amazing how that fine snow can pile up!! Keeping the hens in the coop even though their run is completely covered in tarps. Just too cold.
Stay warm and don't stay outside too long. Be safe!

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