Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Despite the sub-zero outdoor temperature, the new coop is staying between 32 and 35 degrees.
And as a bonus, I had a hen squat for me when I went out earlier. Someone is getting near POL. About darn time.
You got a heater in there?
Grats on the squat!
You got a heater in there?
Grats on the squat!
Nope. I do have a heated fount in there. I don't know if that helps with ambient temperature though.
The walls are thick slab wood sides with straw bales stacked against the north side. The coop has windows facing south and east on a slight angle. They really let in the light. Some thermal energy there, I suppose. The coop is sitting in the woods so there is a decent wind break. Floor is deep litter and provides decent insulation. It is also insulted underneath.

Only 1 bird has squatted so far but I take it as a good sign. :thumbsup
Solar gain could make a huge difference.
What kind of ventilation?
It's a lean-to type roof. Vents to the high side (north). Moist air and ammonia can flow up and vent through the eaves. No drafts that I've noticed. No odor either.
The windows are recycled thermal pane sliders with screens that can be opened. The entry door is a reclaimed steel entry door with a reclaimed storm door. It has been working pretty well so far. The chickens seem to like it.
Lavender. Especially orps.
You let me know when you finds some Pullets of those this year. Those are the ones that Amy wants to get this year.

Got myself and my brother fitted for monkey suits today. Bonus for us that we got there early and they was able to take care of us pretty quickly. Found something I liked and both Amy and my mother thought looked good on us, and well, I just wanted something that would go with my tie, and pants that would fit over my cowboy boots. all parties were satisfied about it other than my grump of a little brother who is even less of a fan of getting cleaned up than what I am. ;)

Going to be some nasty bonechilling weather coming in this week. Don't think the girls will be going out the coop much. Might not even let the dog do her chicken checks much either, short of her tucked into my carhartt overcoat.
WHF - glad your wife's surgery went well. Hope she has a speedy recovery!

We went to Metzgers german resturant for dinner for our anniversary. Had some nice jefe weizen beer, and stuffed cabbage and spatzale (or how ever you spell it).

I managed to get all but one of my hunting tents and a tree stand out of my Parents property yesterday, there's a tent still out there and well frozen in. Guess I'll take my chances it'll hold up. Maybe I can get it when it gets into the 40's at the end of the week!

I managed to get some of my wool spun and plied into a couple skeins of yarn yesterday.

I hope we don't get all that snow today, our snow blower decided to die yesterday. :idunno

BTW...We may have a certain someone attend chickenstock this year! Fingers crossed! :fl
It's nasty out there..high winds swirling, can't measure it...tho much filled the coop path.
Not the light fluffy stuff of recent falls, small dense flakes much heavier to chuck.
Gonna be a long few days ahead.
Snow piled on lower roof blows into upper eave, not too badly, but still. SMH.

Everybody Take Good Care...windchill can kill.
Hi, everyone! :frow

Haven't checked in awhile, but this is my first COLD winter with chickens! I've had them for five winters and never supplemented heat. Made sure they are secured in their coop (shut the door) and its draft free. Just need some reassurance that they'll survive! They didn't move too much when I went in there today to feed them and give them scratch. All this cold weather makes me nervous for all the animals outside!

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