Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Just ice here...ice, ice, and more ice.
Freezing rain started last night, turning to rain.
Been chipping away at it all day...it's insurmountable but at least got the back patio cleared enough so drippings from roof are now flowing away from house.
Only a couple hours more before the temp drops again, not sure the driveway will be navigable. I eschew using salt but might have to have an emergency delivery of some.
We have this to look forward to, am totally bummed out:
We lost most of the snow and ice yesterday, except for the drive way of course. The last report I saw this morning doesn't call for anything until Monday, 1-3" during the day and another 1-3" at night.
Forecast here has been downgraded from 3-5 to 1-3.
I was able to get out of the icy driveway with no problem,
was shocked and hugely relieved.
Not sure if it's the new van or just the new tires...
...been a long time since I had new tires. :lol:

Got a bunch of frostbitten combs....those CCL and Marans crosses...SMH.
Time will tell if it's serious problem, sure wish I had sold some of those crosses this fall.
The next ten days are going to be VERY COLD here; not so nice, but it is WINTER! Florida sounds great right now, but never mind...
We have ice, and some snow is coming down tonight. One of my SS hens isn't well, and we'll see how it goes.
Well, they changed it back to 3-5 and that's what we got overnight.
Light and fluffy stuff...more today with wind and single digits.
Really glad I don't have to commute in this shit anymore!
Sure wish I had a covered run.......CoopCabin Fever Days.
We got about 3 in last night. It's lightly snowing still. I am SO happy that we got a roof on the run just before the first big snowfall back in Nov. And the run is wrapped completely with tarps. It's actually nice and cozy in the run. Chickens have been very happy.
With partial melting of the snow and refreezing has made the yard dangerous to walk, With all the footprints and paw prints frozen. There are spots that are pure ice.
Stay warm, friends...
We just got a dusting, some of the roads were a bit icy in spots. They changed the weather report for Monday from 1-4 to 5-8 on Monday and 1-3 Monday night. So I'm sure we'll get something.

Hey, new tires are good!

The Hubs and I are celebrating our 23 yr anniversary (26 together) on Saturday... we're headed up to Preuss pets in Lansing the morning - they're having a grand re-opening of their salt tank displays (which they needed desperately) and sales on coral and inverts, I hope to grab a few. Plus we're going there to look for decorations for hubs snake enclosure. We purchased an antique oak Armoire that someone refurbished, they took the glass out of the door and installed 1/2" holed, black chicken wire (perfect for what we wanted). We have to strip the paint and wall paper that was put on the walls inside. Luckily the exterior was the original stain. It will be a rather pretty snake house when we're done. I'll post some picts when we do.

My birds seem to be fairing ok so far. I have one that refuses to go into the coop at night, even when it's in the -#s. If I force her in she will go, but I think that one is an egg short a full basket!
This summer I really need to work on my run. I asked hubs for "play sand" and he ordered "construction sand" that is FULL of clay......... ugh! Totally defeated the purpose. So this year I have to dig it all out and replace with the right stuff! It's frustrating when he tries to out think me and do what he wants instead of what I tell him... now it's twice the money spent. :he Silly hubs.
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