Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Morning everyone. Very foggy here, but clearing up.
Yesterday at 1:40 am, Micah, my nephew was born. Feet first and very fast.
He is the most beautiful baby that I have ever seen.
He weighed 3 pounds and 4 oz.
He also went to heaven at 2:20 am, 10 minutes before us kids got there. My parents were already there.
I am so sorry for your family's loss.
I love this picture!
Thanks VJ!
I have no idea when I would be able to get them from you though.

We will be going to the Detroit Zoo this week!!! I am so excited!!! I haven't been there in forever!!!
Daron, my condolences go out to you and your family. You are in my prayers. Great pictures of the little angel and thank you for sharing with us.
I just wanna say, need to keep your kid busy for 30 minutes? Find an episode of Even Stevens on youtube... LOL.

have a nice nite all. I have to get up for work at 3. Subbing that old route that I gave up when I started to have liver and kidney issues from sleep deprivation. The girl that took it over had a bad accident that totalled her car. She is banged up a bit, but ok. She didn't require medical treatment more than a check over and release. Thank God for that. Well, I had told her that I could help her in a pinch several days before this happened when her car broke down, and she then had the accident, and well... Thats what I get for opening my big mouth. HA. Anyway.. I need to fill my LP anyway, and this will get me several dollars closer. I am down to 10%. YIKES!

Anyway, peace be with you all.

I am so glad that your brother and sister in law got to meet Micah and that you and your family were able to hold him. He is a miracle.

Micah's life on this earth was short but he sure touched a lot of peoples hearts!
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Daron, I'm so sorry for your loss. Even when it's expected it's tragic. I saw your post while I was at work today and just lost it. :( It's be a year and a half now since my 2 month old nephew died and every baby I see reminds me of him and makes me think of what he would look like now and what he would be doing...what his voice would've sounded like and what he would've been if he had gotten the chance to grow up. There are so many what if's. His death has changed me and the way I handle the news of someone losing a child.
A family who shows rabbits in Pennsylvania just suffered a horrible loss. Their 17yr old son was driving and lost control of the vehicle..he was killed instantly and his 14 yr old brother was taken to the hospital and passed away 3 days later. I couldn't imagine losing a baby, even at 17 my kids will be my babies. It's been an emotional week.
Sorry, just need to pour all this out. I've been holding it in all day and am bawling while typing this.
I'm so very sorry Daron. It will get easier with time, but he'll always be there. Please give your family my condolences.
Daron - I think Nova said it perfectly. You held an angel in your arms and you will never forget him. You are a wonderful uncle and someday will be an awesome father because you have great compassion.

Someday when you are ready, you might want to read this book. I have had the book since I was a child and have read it many times. It was my mother's book and I believe she got it after she gave birth to stillborn twins years before I was born. It's not long and very easy to read. It is beautifully written by Dale Evans, wife of Roy Rogers (the Lone Ranger). It is written from the viewpoint of the child as she looks around her at all the people who love her on the day she is born and as she lives her short life and dies at the age of two years. Dale Evans and Roy Rogers were very strong Christians and the book is written with the belief that their child came from God and returned to him. Perhaps your brother and sister-in-law would like to read it as well.




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