Michigan Thread - all are welcome!


I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers. My heart breaks for you all, especially Micahs' mommy.

I hope you all find comfort and solace in your religious beliefs during this tragedy.


Daron, this page here has some very nice poems on it, that may bring some comfort to your grieving family-

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Anyone who has been on this site for any length of time is well aware that there have been disagreements from time to time. With any group the size of this one that is bound to occur, but when someone experiences a loss the whole site comes together with their prayers and condolences. May God grant Daron's family the peace and understanding we all pray for.
Thank you all everyone. :hugs

Amy PT-

We are not religious, just Believers of Christ our Lord.

My mom had called the house while they were on the way to the hospital, for my brother had called my mom to say that Micah got born. Thank God that the phone was by my youngest and the only not-deaf sister in the house when my mom called at 1:45 am. She woke me up, I am deaf but read my sister's lips saying that Micah got born. We all left the house went to the hospital, which is about 20 minutes drive.
It was a very tearful time at the hospital. When us kids went in the room, my brother was crying, making me to cry too. The nurse staff was very nice, and they even gave us a cart of bottled water, coffee, cookies, fruit and a condolence note. I thought that was very nice of them. When I held Micah, I could not stop crying. He is such a beautiful, normal looking baby, and so small.

Yesterday, my mom, one of my sister and I went to a local garden center, and got 2 of the healthiest Semi-dwarf Sweet Cherry trees. One for Micah's parents, and one for us. We will plant the trees after the funeral on Saturday. They will bear fruit next year according the the lady there.

I know that Micah is in Heaven for God loves all the little ones, including my other 3 siblings that my mom miscarried. I will see all four of them, when its my time to go up to be with God.

Again, thank you all wonderful Michiganders for all the prayers, and thoughts. Its very comforting my friends. :hugs
Farmerboy, I am so sorry for your family's loss of sweet little Micah. May you all find the comfort needed as you send him softly home.
Oh, Daron i'm so very sorry. I didn't know until I saw a link on the Icelandic thread. How sad . Nova Aman put it so beautifully, I think we all echo her sentiments. You did hold an angel and I do believe there is a new angel in heaven - baby Micah.
Farmerboy - I am glad Micah's parents were able to have a little time with him. I will keep your family in my prayers.

Theron - congratulations on the ribbons. I know the work involved, my son takes 10 birds next week for our fair and I may end up taking more.

I feel like I have gone in circles today and not really accomplished anything. I had a fight between two young roosters. A short bantam Cochin and a lanky standard polish. They were hysterical! The would start jumping at each other and end up the Cochin standing between the polish's legs and both couldn't find each other so they would just stand there. Then one would move and they would see each other again and start it back up. It didn't appear too serious but I ended up breaking it up and putting them in two different places. I am down to only 3 that are lacking names now but I can't really tell them apart yet so I want to wait a little longer.

For those of you who have showed birds: How do you get a white bird clean? I know in the past some of the white feathers have looked stained. Can you get them white again? My son's Cochin for showmanship is white and has a few spots on her chest. They are both doing great practicing everyday. When he goes to tell about cochins he is supposed to say they make very good brooders. Every time instead he has said they are really good hatchers. He also points out the feathers, did you know they have an axle feather? I try not giggle sometimes with what comes out his mouth.

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