Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Morning everyone. Very foggy here, but clearing up.

Yesterday at 1:40 am, Micah, my nephew was born. Feet first and very fast.

He is the most beautiful baby that I have ever seen.

He weighed 3 pounds and 4 oz.

He also went to heaven at 2:20 am, 10 minutes before us kids got there. My parents were already there.



Me holding him
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There are no words to explain what I'm feeling for you and your family. So glad you had a moment in time with him. Family is best shared in all things, good and bad.
I am so sorry for your loss Farmerboy. I am so glad Micah Mama and Daddy got to have a little time with him. My nephew was still born in '01. It's so hard. I will continue my prayers for this family.
Morning everyone. Very foggy here, but clearing up.
Yesterday at 1:40 am, Micah, my nephew was born. Feet first and very fast.
He is the most beautiful baby that I have ever seen.
He weighed 3 pounds and 4 oz.
He also went to heaven at 2:20, 10 minutes before us kids got there. My parents were already there.


Me holding him

This is a very tough situation and there are no words that will ease your pain. I am so sorry Daron. You and the family have my prayers.
Farmerboy, I'm so sorry.

Opa and Nova (and VJ), thanks for the wry neck info. It sounds like my hen probably doesn't have that, and that she's just very... twisty. Is that normal? Like an owl, that one...

Raz, that's a cool find!

Theron, good luck. That's a lot of birds and cages to handle.

VJ, thanks for spelling out the silkie breeder vs. hatchery for me. It wasn't until a while after I got our 3 chicks from Townline, via Family Farm and Home, that I read about quality issues with hatcheries. SLWs particualrly, but ours has a rose comb, and her lacing is coming in nicely. It's interesting to hear how each breed is "watered down" by hatchery quality issues.
Sending peace and acceptance for you and your family Daron. I can't begin to imagine the heartbreak you all must be feeling.

Starting up my incubator today, and trying really hard not to be irritated with an ebay seller. After I had to substitute for a different breed, I checked the tracking this morning, and it looks like they will be getting picked up by usps TODAY instead of YESTERDAY, like their ad said. That means they won't get here on the same day as my blrw eggs (Thursday). AND that they might not get here until SATURDAY when I won't be here!!!
Opa and Nova (and VJ), thanks for the wry neck info. It sounds like my hen probably doesn't have that, and that she's just very... twisty. Is that normal? Like an owl, that one...
Birds have an extreme wide range of motion. With wry neck there is an inability of the bird to move its head from the distorted position.
Morning everyone. Very foggy here, but clearing up.
Yesterday at 1:40 am, Micah, my nephew was born. Feet first and very fast.
He is the most beautiful baby that I have ever seen.
He weighed 3 pounds and 4 oz.
He also went to heaven at 2:20 am, 10 minutes before us kids got there. My parents were already there.

Me holding him


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