Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

@Dreamzchaser Here is a Kikiriki son. IMG_1710.JPG
IMG_1769 (2).JPG
That storm today was no fun lol We were out shopping and my sister was freaking out because of the beeping from the radio station for the alerts. Shes sensitive to sounds. It had me paranoid because I absolutely hate storms.

We got another egg today. Lately the past 3 days we've had an egg in the box every morning by the time I'm out there at around 10-11am . I'm tired of these tiny eggs. It's been about 2 weeks since we got our first egg and I saw their called Pullet eggs and after 4 weeks they start getting bigger. But its taking so long lol.

Edit: Also I heard red tail hawks avoid owl statues? Anyone try that?
I'm tired of these tiny eggs. It's been about 2 weeks since we got our first egg and I saw their called Pullet eggs and after 4 weeks they start getting bigger. But its taking so long
It can days, or weeks...or months for them to get up to that birds 'normal' size.

Edit: Also I heard red tail hawks avoid owl statues? Anyone try that?
I got woken up to go with investigate a mystery hissing this morning with my mom. Turns out our crappy temp door fell and blocked two chickens from getting out and there was enough space for them to be sticking their heads out which made our male toulouse Gus hiss which he's never done before. My mom thought it was an opossum lol I totally forgot that geese can hiss and said it could be a cat but then again I was half asleep lol
I just came in from killing our nice white Chantie rooster, who was unwell, and lost his place as flock leader recently to the younger bantam rooster. Yesterday he was injured in another spat with the smaller guy, and it was just time.
He was sterile, and not able to work it out with the much smaller upstart. And we don't have space or interest in having separate flocks, especially with a rooster who wasn't doing well.
It's still miserable, but at least it's done. :hit
And we have several cockerels this year, some of whom will be moving on, all from Cackle, all vaccinated against Marek's disease.
A suprise BLR Wyandotte, one or two white Chanteclers, and maybe one EE bantam boy.
Anyone interested? Let me know, pictures later.
That storm today was no fun lol We were out shopping and my sister was freaking out because of the beeping from the radio station for the alerts. Shes sensitive to sounds. It had me paranoid because I absolutely hate storms.

We got another egg today. Lately the past 3 days we've had an egg in the box every morning by the time I'm out there at around 10-11am . I'm tired of these tiny eggs. It's been about 2 weeks since we got our first egg and I saw their called Pullet eggs and after 4 weeks they start getting bigger. But its taking so long lol.

Edit: Also I heard red tail hawks avoid owl statues? Anyone try that?
I think the hawks just laugh at my owl statue-I even move it around

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