Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Another soggy day here at the tip of the thumb. 4/10ths of an inch so far. It's supposed to rain all day and in to tomorrow. I guess that means housework chores. Ugh.

I can't believe how big these chicks are getting. The BO roo is going to be huge. His comb is already well developed. The other roo is only half the size. I can't wait to hear crows again. It's too quiet around here. Ducks seem to double in size every week. They seem to be on the timid side. I think I should make them, a dedicated coop. I have the stuff to make a tractor style coop.

Friday starts drunken bacchanalia known as Cheeseburger. I work the gate at the music venue. They always have really good bands. It's a good time.
That was quite the storm here. I had over 4 inches of rain before the power went out. Power just came back this morning. Some people in the area still don't have power. I have to give credit to the DTE linemen who braved the rain and high winds to get the power back on. It has been a brutal couple of days. There is still a small craft advisory on the lake and warning not to swim. Of course the kite boarders are having a blast. Saw a video of one of them jumping the break wall. Might have to try that myself. Looks like fun.

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