Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I agree, but am unable to let pass the hit and runs. Farmerboy is using the correctly unpolitical nature of the forum to get his digs in without having to substantiate them. OMG I'm doing it again, sorry.
I am not a big Obama fan. I was not a big bush fan either. I do think though that politics, when it comes to debating, is better left on the politics thread. At least then no one is offended. This thread should be treated like a dinner table... No political or religious debating. Just good eating and conversation.

Opa, glad Granny is on the mend. Even if it is a 10 day hospital stay.
Speaking of politics...
What would you folks think about inviting the Agriculture Commissioners to Chickenstock?

I ask this because, until this past fall, they did not seem to realize just how many of us are small scale (i.e. backyard) farmers. In the meetings that I have attended, I have come away with the impression that our appointed officials are keyed in on "real" farmers and not so much aware of us little, backyard operations. Once we began to speak up, we got their attention.
Did anyone else already post here that Rockford (a town just north of Grand Rapids) made up to 5 hens legal this week? Good news for chicken keepers who live there.
Opa, we are so relieved to hear Granny came through the surgery, and will continue to pray for a quick and complete recovery
Please keep us up dated.

you guys trying to get us in trouble??

if you have an opinion please post a PM to whom ever you want, but don't put it on here, if some one states an opinion let it ride and do not respond, then there is no argument or disagreement or fight over who is right or who is wrong. every one has there own opinion, and it is better left unsaid on here,
Thank You
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welcome 14Him, ,hope you find some sussex I like that breed. I have a couple hens but they are getting old

Stacy congrats on your goat, we expect pics

There was something else but I can't remember

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