Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Just jumpin in to say Hi to some other "mittens" - My D.W. & I are new to the site & new to raising chickens. Hope that we can make it to the chickenstock & meet, share chicken stories, etc . . . . sounds like it'll be a fun time.. . . .
Yes do come it's so fun and if you like to eat there is sooooooooooo much yummy food. Lots of animals to choose from. Oh and welcome to the group
Ah, a case of forming a reply before knowing all of the details. On the other hand, I generally oppose the use of that material anyplace it comes in contact with the soil.

Anyone interested in a few ducks? Four Rouens and two runners.

If I were closer, I would take them :). I was just gifted 2 ducklings (pekins) yesterday. I'm picking up more pekin hens this weekend, too.
Thanks for your reply Kimmie!

The coop's run is fully enclosed in hardware clothe, including the bottom. So the chickens run around on the wire where its not touching the ground. This has the added benefit of keeping the little ladies from tearing out the roots of where ever the coop is placed.
Oh well that makes sense then,
There is a long story behind this, but DH has gotten back his goat that a friend (who he originally got the goat from) Had put back with the other 2 goats for the winter. (We cared for last year due to their house burning down) Sadly, the other 2 are dead. Possible animan attacks, possible starvation. :(

I am reposting this as many of you on here have goats as well, and I only know birds/ cats/ dogs. This is a horribly sad thing, and DH really loves that goat. It is emaciated to unrecognizable. If anyone has ever dealt with a sheep/ goat and knows how to nurse one, please please help me .

Hooves are overgrown and he is walking like he's foundering; DH knows how to trim and even I could hold him at this point.

Too weak to worm. For the last few weeks (or more for all we know) he's been getting raked up dead leaves and sticks to eat. Every knob on his bones are jutting out. Hair is dull, eyes sunk in. It was evening when DH carried him home, so tomorrow i wil look under his eyes to see if he's anemic. :( DH is furious, he has been asking about the goat every other week and has offered more than once to buy feed if they needed $$.

Any suggestions for the best thing to start with? I had to give him a bucket of scratch, it was all i had and the feed store was already closed. I hope he don't die of bloat now, but if he did at least the poor thing would die happy in his home with a full tummy.

You may want to contact a large animal vet and get thier opinion and see if they could email you a care sheet - for your own protection; I agree with the advice given. I've been in the same situation with domestic pets and vets understand that it would be too stressful on the animal to bring them in and will give advice. Its good to have something documented that you sought medical advice just in case someone sees the animal on your property and reports you. I've been there and luckily I had all my paperwork when animal control showed up.
They are Jacob sheep, the ones that can grow up to 6 horns. I don't have any of those though, just one set and then the little one in the back doesn't have any. She's kind of a runt.
very pretty goats, good job, I would have been afraid of cutting also
You may want to contact a large animal vet and get thier opinion and see if they could email you a care sheet - for your own protection; I agree with the advice given. I've been in the same situation with domestic pets and vets understand that it would be too stressful on the animal to bring them in and will give advice. Its good to have something documented that you sought medical advice just in case someone sees the animal on your property and reports you. I've been there and luckily I had all my paperwork when animal control showed up.
VERY GOOD ADVICE, I hadn't thought of that, but sure as ...it would happen. very sad that happened, poor thing,

Well the first day iin many I haven't had to run some place for others, hope to get some out side work done, May get lucky and it wont rain

On the fermented feed, do you use regular chicken feed and do you have to rinse,every day or just stir.......would like to try this now that I am home more and may be able to be successful.
After hitting a high of 30 eggs this week, I now have a batch of broodies and my numbers are lower. I said I wasn't going to incubate any more eggs until the snow was gone because basement space is already being used. But....if the hens do the work...... It is too cute, I have a broody sizzle and silkie sharing the same nest box and they aren't fighting. The DH also talked to a neighbor and they will sell us their shed. It is missing a door and the floor looks a bit rough but it would be easier to redo than start from scratch.

Silly I would be interested to here a comparison between Fermenting and Sprouting. I ferment but sprouting looked like SO much more work involved. I will have to do some reading also because I only ferment for 24 hours. Until my mix got going I did it for longer.

Fuzzy you may only know cats/dogs/birds but your goatie is now in good hands with you looking out for it.

It's a beautiful morning, the sun is out, it smells like spring, I can see some ground and there lots to get done before work!
looked again at you fermenting, looks like you have the bucket covered with a towel, then the box right?
I have separated some hens with my Bisque Roo and hen, ,6 hens to 1 roo, they were not happy to be taken out of the big coop, but hoping they will adjust
Oh man, I'm gone for the weekend and you guys post a few hundred entries on here! lol Anyone else itching to show at fowl fest?!?! Entries are due BY the 27th! :) Can't wait to show off some of my pretty silkies.

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