Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

My phone isn't wanting to cooperate uploading photos. I'll keep trying but essentially what I use is 2 pieces of EMT with a 90* bend and a connector between them. I attach a trellis net to it with mason twine. I had 6 plants to a trellis (6ft tall and 8 ish feet wide) and had no issues. We use 3/4in emt and put the legs onto rebar pounded about 1.5ft into the ground.
Anyone in SE MI (Oakland or Livingston co) want a black copper Marans rooster? I bought three chicks this spring. One died immediately and the other two are roosters.
Well I had an eventful day.

I really wanted to get my garden in this weekend. I decided to head down and get the 20x20 plot tilled again.

I noticed the tiller bogging down, so I shut it down planning to put more fuel in.

Then, it CAUGHT ON FIRE! I tried to put it out before it got crazy, to no avail. I flipped it over, ran up to the house searching for the fire extinguisher. Nowhere to be found. Finally I hooked up my hose and ran back down to the plot and waited for water to flow. It took probably 40 seconds for water to start flowing, and that was a LONG 40 seconds. I got the fire put out, and brought the tiller back up to the garage.

Burned up the ignition coil (brand new this season, sucks). Burned up the vent grommets for the fuel pump, burned up the air cleaner. It looks like I'll be able to fix her up four about 50 bucks, and get back to tilling.

the cause? A gasket between the gas tank and carburetor is bad, and started leaking fuel. The exhaust is also right over the tank, and it lacks a spark arrestor.

So yea, that was fun...
At least no explosions happened, no bad stuff, except for the damaged tiller. And no video of frantic activities in the garden! Fun like that we can all miss. Tomorrow will be a better day. Mary
I honestly wish I had a couple pictures or something to share. It was pretty epic.

And yes, thankfully no explosions, which was my number 1 concern. Especially knowing it was already low on fuel, too much vapor, no bueno. Plus, I'll feel like such a bad @$$ if I get a tiller that caught on fire running again, lol.

Shameless plug in my signature. Michigan Duck Exchange is my facebook group if anyone is looking to buy/sell/trade ducks and other fowl, equipment, share stories, etc.


All my hens love the bugs, worms and grubs. Has or does anyone purchase those in bulk?
try your local bait shop or some speciality pet stores for that.

Just had a mild scare here. was checking on everybody tonight. I tend to use one of those baseball hats with the light under the brim for light there as its always focused where you need to look. I look over and I see a couple pairs of green eyes looking back at me. Luckily, there was a grain scoop next to the shed. I grab that, hop over my pen fence and chase them off. Hopefully Mamma's plan for the night was just to score june bugs from the mowed lawn. They are out tonight.
try your local bait shop or some speciality pet stores for that.

Just had a mild scare here. was checking on everybody tonight. I tend to use one of those baseball hats with the light under the brim for light there as its always focused where you need to look. I look over and I see a couple pairs of green eyes looking back at me. Luckily, there was a grain scoop next to the shed. I grab that, hop over my pen fence and chase them off. Hopefully Mamma's plan for the night was just to score june bugs from the mowed lawn. They are out tonight.
What is green eyes? Raccoon?

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