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I have an announcement to make....

Hillbilly Hen is finally warm!
Nice photo of Scruffin. How'd you get him to pose? Mine doesn't like to sit still!

If you got some paint and were artistically inclined, that big rock could be made to look like a dog laying down and guarding your birds. See, his nose is on the right and his tail curves around his right hip....
Quote: We are working some serious obedience with her. She was nine months old when we got her, and had NO training and was a real rotter. One month later and she's a dream (95% of the the time

Hey, that does look a bit like a dog, or a hippo!
Quote: Thank you - I wanted something mellow, like a retriever but didn't want all the shedding.

Yup, that's wine. I haven't got round to bottling it so we've been thiefing it daily for drinking and cooking. And yes, if it lasted long enough (
) the sun would affect it, but it goes so quickly. We ferment in dark, opaque buckets, and transfer to carboys for settling. I haven't tried making beer, far too finicky - wine's so easy!


Last time you were here, my yard was just a muddy barren plain...

LOOK! See the green growing? Yay for green! AND I think I changed my mind about this pine tree..it may have to be pulled out.

I tore the rest of this brick retaining wall down and put it in the next picture..
That is some really nice work. I only have shrubs because I kill everything. Maybe a fountain where that tree is, a sort of great big urn type planter, 24 inches tall with water just bubbling out of the top and over the sides. . .
Today has been a most awful day. One of my two bottle baby goats died. I have been pretty unglued for most of the day because of it.

I had her since she was nine days old. I still don't know how I am going to tell the breeder. I've given her regular updates and pictures of the babies, now I have to tell her about Honeysuckle's death. I feel like the worst goat Mom ever.
I had a little goat die too - and it really makes you feel awful, especially when you try everything. Most Glorious Spousal Unit shot mine; she had gotten so weak and her legs were paralyzed and I just couldn't stand her suffering. I held when she died so she wouldn't be afraid.

I hope yours didn't suffer, perhaps she died in her sleep and never felt a thing.
I am really curious how my "not my girls anymore" girls are doing... Momma K said she got 3 eggs yesterday morning, and I guess I am mostly just very curious if they've taken to her DD and vice versa... Even though I don't mind not taking care of them... I do miss the little eaters.

Had a nice hispanic family stop when I was planting. They asked if I sold chickens. I asked if they meant for eating, and they said no, as pets, That they had them when they lived in Mexico, and want to get some more, and do I sell them. SO, I asked where they were living, and they are living on the right side of the road just down the street from me. By that, I mean they are still in AG zoning. I told them, $40 bucks, and they could pick 4 pullets and which ever roo they want. Told them what size coop they needed for them to be happy even in the winter. They asked what I did with them in the winter, and I said... nothing. Just let them do their thing. Shovel paths for them, keep a snow free enclosure... SO, she said they'd be back as soon as they build a coop. Cool! She even bought eggs.

Well anyway. Gonna run and get some bread and rolls and a bag of ice. We are out... Ice maker is pooping out and does not keep up.
Oh Stacykins that's awful. You are an awesome goat mom and I know you would have done anything you could have for her. I hope you find a way to help her sister.

Went to two cemetery services today. Stepped through the fence for the first - we live next to a cemetery. The second is at Bliss - tip of the mitt where the little thorn sticks out to the west. http://www.petoskeynews.com/news/fe...memorial-day-service-20120525,0,3926580.story This is their 122 year with a memorial service. I have 5 sets of grand, great grand and great great grandparents there. But only one civil war vet buried, a confederate at that! The hubby and son stayed for the picnic but I decided to come home. Who knows how long they will be there, DH LOVES to talk.

I have been attempting to make a trellis. First I tried that wonderful looking one Juise posted. Got it done and before I set it in place the high winds the other day broke it all up. So I did a second one in place. However we have soil full of clay. So today it was done and so was the flower garden and I watered. My son says "uh mom I don't think you built it right". Once the soil was wet it fell over.
So I am back to no trellis and the morning glories are already planted in that spot.
Maybe I'll try the potatoes next, I don't think I can damage them.
Oh Stacykins that's awful. You are an awesome goat mom and I know you would have done anything you could have for her. I hope you find a way to help her sister.

Went to two cemetery services today. Stepped through the fence for the first - we live next to a cemetery. The second is at Bliss - tip of the mitt where the little thorn sticks out to the west. http://www.petoskeynews.com/news/fe...memorial-day-service-20120525,0,3926580.story This is their 122 year with a memorial service. I have 5 sets of grand, great grand and great great grandparents there. But only one civil war vet buried, a confederate at that! The hubby and son stayed for the picnic but I decided to come home. Who knows how long they will be there, DH LOVES to talk.

I have been attempting to make a trellis. First I tried that wonderful looking one Juise posted. Got it done and before I set it in place the high winds the other day broke it all up. So I did a second one in place. However we have soil full of clay. So today it was done and so was the flower garden and I watered. My son says "uh mom I don't think you built it right". Once the soil was wet it fell over.
So I am back to no trellis and the morning glories are already planted in that spot.
Maybe I'll try the potatoes next, I don't think I can damage them.
You need to stake it with those green pound in the ground deep stakes... Like paper carriers use in the country to put their tubes up... or for fast fencing... Anyway, put the stakes in first, then build your trellis to it. Just make sure your squared out good on stakes, so the trellis will line up right.
Stacykins so sorry about your little goat. This is why I don't have anything big and cute. Even the muscovy ducklings bother me, it's about butchering time and they are sooo cute. Till they ate my daylilies and then my sweet peas. Now They aren't so cute looking.

DH says this is very good advice.
Eeyore - I didn't read the replies, but I'm assuming you're using a .22. Make sure you get hollow point ammo. You'll go through a whole clip of solid points on one coon and it'll still be alive. Also try to get them right in the brain, imagine an X from the eyes to the ears and shoot in the middle. (So connect the ear with the opposite eye with a straight line.)
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