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Silly - Fingers and toes are crossed for your husband. It sounds like a good fit for him. :) I wouldn't worry too much about the short length at his current job - My husband was at a job for only a few months when he knew it was a terrible fit, it wasn't an issue when he was interviewing ad he now has his dream job.


I was worried about finding homes for the Roo Faverolles my broody hatched, but apparently for no reason. I posted them on Craigslist, and had 3 emails about them in an hour! Phew! :)

I can not wait until the 2 teenagers I have (and the Uggo I'll get at CS!) to start laying. I have 4 adult hens, 1 is with chicks, the other is broody and my Easter Egger is highly sensitive. Which means I've been averaging about ONE egg a day. Grumble.
I can not wait until the 2 teenagers I have (and the Uggo I'll get at CS!) to start laying. I have 4 adult hens, 1 is with chicks, the other is broody and my Easter Egger is highly sensitive. Which means I've been averaging about ONE egg a day. Grumble.
Since my 2 Uggos starting laying, they have been an-egg-a-day production machine. The size has been consistent since the 2nd week, one lays a 40g egg and the other a 45g egg.
The older 4 hens have been taking unauthorized days off here and there but overall egg output is close to what is was in December.

So if you need eggs let me know. I can spare a dozen or 2.
Nigellas - thank you for the crossings... just don't cross your eyes, they may stick! Got your PM, will respond shortly.

Raz - Glad to know the Uggos are productive... will make it easier to justify to the DH, since he doesn't know something wicked this way comes!! muhahaha!

I may just tell DH I need to build another - huge coop! and then just sub it off in sections for the breeds I want.. make a regular condo for them!

Anyone else here like fossils (the rock kind)? lol!
Wow, and I thought having a neighbor who let their dog cr*p in our yard (and tells us to keep our dog under control when it goes after their dog, um, while in OUR yard) was enough of a pain in the patuty!

I read some guy collected all the poop, from the neighbors dog crapping in his yard, in a bucket.. when it was full, dumped it on the guys front porch and left a note saying this is your dogs crap from my yard, next time he craps in my yard it's getting dumped on your car. Guess the guy started walking the dog with a baggie after that.... maybe that would work for you too!

Raz, do you have the link for the article?
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WOW are the chicks ever loud today! I keep going down to check on them because the peeping is so loud! I put ACV in their water this morning......could that be it?

Thinking of putting them in a dog kennel in the sun for a little bit to see how they do, but not sure since it's only about 65 today and I worry about the little ones.
I live in Oklahoma but am originally from Bilssfield, in Lenawee County. I have Cochins and am interested in Bantam Ameraucanas or EEs.
I heard of a breeder in Jasper, MI and would love to visit with them while I am home this Summer visiting my parents that live in Ogden Center. Is that breeder on this thread?
Mary Jo
I live in Oklahoma but am originally from Bilssfield, in Lenawee County. I have Cochins and am interested in Bantam Ameraucanas or EEs.
I heard of a breeder in Jasper, MI and would love to visit with them while I am home this Summer visiting my parents that live in Ogden Center. Is that breeder on this thread?
Mary Jo
& welcome! Keep checking back with us, maybe someone will be able to help. If you are going to be here on June 23, we will be having our annual Chickenstock in Lansing. You are more than welcome to come.
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