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you know it, BCB. here's and extra squeeze just in case you need it...
praying for peace and calmness.
Hubby's making doors as I type, and we'll be wrapping chicken wire around the base to make sure no chicks get thru - then there's going to be a tarp over the top as well as some hardware cloth - think we've got it covered! N
Hey everyone!!! Finally some rain wasnt enough but it helps!!!So i had a crazy day yesterday,I was driving down the rd and someone in front of me through a box of kittens out so im trying to find them new homes! So if any one needs or knows anyone that could use a new kitten let me know they are free. They could also make a good barn cat. 734-558-3449 steve
Why can't people be responsible. If babies are not wanted, spay or neuter your animal. If unexpected babies arrive, take them to amimal control.
Steve you are a good man to save those kittens. Did you get the license plate number of the irrisponsible ******* that through the kittens out? I would like to take MJ's coal shovel to them.
Evening everyone. Found this ad on www.midlandonline.com if anybody is interested.

Farming Equipment/Supplies July 18, 2009
I have 16 ducks bought from Tractor Supply this spring They need homes or we will slaughter them soon we like them Very much but a layoff came please hurry thanks Monday July 20th is slaughter day hurry this weekend!

Price: $5.00
County: Saginaw
Address: 1613 stanley st.
Contact: Email
Home: 989-790-6437
nice pun!

Staples! oh my word! what in the world is wrong with people!!! gimme a break. i agree with Frizzledhen, if you cannot get them spayed or neutered, take them to animal control. hence the word CONTROL!

feel free to use my shovel at will Gayle. you can wear my pretty pink rubber boots too if you'd like.

oh...by the way, the little Bantam Cochins are doing great! Elizabeth named them Laurie (after her favorite male character in Little Women) and Thimble (because the hen is so tiny and silvery blue). we are all in love with them! thank you so much!
nice pun!

Staples! oh my word! what in the world is wrong with people!!! gimme a break. i agree with Frizzledhen, if you cannot get them spayed or neutered, take them to animal control. hence the word CONTROL!

feel free to use my shovel at will Gayle. you can wear my pretty pink rubber boots too if you'd like.

oh...by the way, the little Bantam Cochins are doing great! Elizabeth named them Laurie (after her favorite male character in Little Women) and Thimble (because the hen is so tiny and silvery blue). we are all in love with them! thank you so much!

MJ - the real play on words is Broody Hall after Brody Hall at MSU - (I work there - in AG & NAT RES)
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