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Thanks guys! I did close it. It is cool here tonight. I might go check and see how it feels inside before I go to bed. If it is hot, I'll open it and chance it. I wanted to put hardware cloth up before we went on vacation in August. One less thing to worry about then. I here my brother's coon dogs howling in the distance, hope that is a good sign that they are onto one! I told him he could travel Michigan catching coons for chicken people.
Thanks Rhandi! We will have to get together when we have more time
I called my nephew after I left and he said he knew Hannah and she was pretty cool. LOL Teenagers. LOL

Well off to Gladwin now to pickup my newest additions.
Good morning. My wimpy little silkie roo is starting to man up. He is a lot less agressive about it than the RIR roo, but there he was last night chasing a BO pullet around trying to get ahold of her and she looked at him like he must be crazy, then flew up to the roost, which he can't do, and looked back at him like take that.

MJ should I worry about the turkeys? We got home a little late last night about 9:45, and both BR and 1 sweetgrass turkeys were sleeping under the coop. I had to chase them out and catch them and put them into the coop. The other sweetgrass was sleeping on the roost. Also what should I be looking for as differances to try to figuar out if I have males or females? One has a snood that is just a little bigger than the other but it doesn't seem to be growing anymore. No real strutting, they both will poof up if a hen is bugging them too much or something, but that is it.
good morning everyone,

I tell ya, those coon's
my neighbor set a trap the last couple nights and nothing.

a coon got my silkie girl the other night, i almost for got to close the coop up, it was late and OH no, so i ran out there to close everyone up, and a coon was already there,
I'm so bummed, then on Wed's on of my BA's died dont know why, she was laying on her back, and of course one of my favorites.

one of my Broddy's hatched out a Chick, and now that its a month old, it looks to be SLW/Ameraucana
will say its a SHE, she has puff cheeks, green legs, and the feathers are coming in like SLW, i was'nt sure if it was a BR or SLW, the roo is Ameraucana.
i will try to get a pick today.
Good morning everyone!

Been a while since I have been on, but all is well.....extremely busy, but well. I did manage to get to the County fair and bought a 4-H pig from a young man who is just starting out in the pig showing of 4-H....that one goes in the freezer.

Things should start slowing down for me as most of the storm damage homes I had been contracted to fix are close to done. I think I have 4/5 more.

Animals are all doing well except the hens don't seem to be laying up to their potential. 18 hens and some days I only get 6 or 8 eggs, and some days 14-16 eggs.....don't know why.

New litter of pigs are doing great and growing well.

Grandkids are keeping me young, they are such a joy.

Hope to see some of you at CS, we have it marked on the calendar and depending on family visits, etc. we are hoping to make it. If we do, Jude is making Taco salad
.......we'll see how it goes.

Garden and greenhouse has a lot of veggies growing in them, won't be long and we will be putting stuff away for the winter from the bounty we hope.

That's about all that's fit to print from over here for now.....
Good morning

Almost all ducklings have hatched now...up to 9 ducklings! Here's a few photos. One of these things are not like the others...one of these things just isn't the same




kissy face


wanted to share a few pictures of the new babies!
OHHHH! I love ducklings! I've warned hubby that next year we're getting a couple! I miss having them
Tooo cute, thank you for sharing!

Hum.... I do wonder..... which one is different??? Tee-heeee:lau
nice pun!

Staples! oh my word! what in the world is wrong with people!!! gimme a break. i agree with Frizzledhen, if you cannot get them spayed or neutered, take them to animal control. hence the word CONTROL!

feel free to use my shovel at will Gayle. you can wear my pretty pink rubber boots too if you'd like.

oh...by the way, the little Bantam Cochins are doing great! Elizabeth named them Laurie (after her favorite male character in Little Women) and Thimble (because the hen is so tiny and silvery blue). we are all in love with them! thank you so much!

Oh MJ, do you think I would look pretty in pink? NOT, it would clash with my red face.
Living way out in the country we get more than our fare share of drop offs. It costs nothing to take an animal in to the animal shelter so why do people insist on taking them out in the country and just dumping them?

Glad to hear Laurie and Thimble are doing great. I hope they make lots of babies for you.

Cat, so sorry about your little sermy baby.
nice pun!

Staples! oh my word! what in the world is wrong with people!!! gimme a break. i agree with Frizzledhen, if you cannot get them spayed or neutered, take them to animal control. hence the word CONTROL!

feel free to use my shovel at will Gayle. you can wear my pretty pink rubber boots too if you'd like.

oh...by the way, the little Bantam Cochins are doing great! Elizabeth named them Laurie (after her favorite male character in Little Women) and Thimble (because the hen is so tiny and silvery blue). we are all in love with them! thank you so much!

Oh MJ, do you think I would look pretty in pink? NOT, it would clash with my red face.
Living way out in the country we get more than our fare share of drop offs. It costs nothing to take an animal in to the animal shelter so why do people insist on taking them out in the country and just dumping them?

Glad to hear Laurie and Thimble are doing great. I hope they make lots of babies for you.

Cat, so sorry about your little sermy baby.

Personally, I'd rather shoot the folks who would dump a critter rather than put up with the dump(ee)
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