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Thanks to those who took time to remember our brave men and women that have or are serving our country. My son John is in the final weeks of Navy boot camp. I have always considered myself a patriot but I have to say this veterans day is really special to my family. Thanks veterans!

btw. we get to go spend Thanksgiving day with our son. That will be the first we have seen him since he left home on Oct 8th. His PIR (parade in review or graduation) from boot camp is December 4th and wild horses couldn't keep this proud pappa from being there!
i didn't get time to read everything....if you have CRD...you HAVE to report it. this is a reportable disease in michigan. your soil has to be cleaned and it has to be declared clean by the state. make sure you get a bird tested to make sure that is actually what it is. DO NOT ASSUME it is CRD.

do not sell, trade, etc. your farm etc is a shut down. this is not personal, it is the law. it is highly spreadable and it is dangerous. the bodies can even contain CRD after being buried. contact MSU for help immediately.

i sure hope both of you can get help right away and i am so sorry to be reading this. it is a horrible disease and i sure do feel for you!

Michigan state has already been called. They said that "if" we had another bird to die, to put in the the freezer or bring it right up for a necropsy and they would be glad to assist.

They also asked where I got all the information on it and I told them "a chicken forum" he said that a lot of people call common colds or sinusitious (spelling?) CRD which in fact it is not. Also that younger birds ammune systems are not up to par as older/mature birds, this dead can/will occur. Then stated that Michigan has been hit with some form of respiratory problems over the past 7 months and they contrubite it to all the rain, molds and millions of skeeters we all seen this year.

So rest assured MJ...we are doing our best to see what type of problem is going on here. AS with MANY MANY other Michigan people on this forum.

EDIT to ask...can you please send me a link or reading on a disease staying in any mammals body after the body temputure drops beyond 75 degrees? As I was taught in a vet tech class that this is impossible. Maybe new finding have arisen and I would love to learn about it and the outcome.
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my post wasn't written with ANY jump down at all. it was written with information only. so many people have no idea that there is even such a thing as a reportable disease. if you think you have CRD, it can be ILT or many other reportable diseases.

birds can drop all the time. to then immunize them and NOT know what it is, is also not a good plan. no KILLER intention, even jokingly.

good bird management calls for good information. it's not pointing fingers and if you're taking it that way I PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE, but that is not the intention at all. it is information to help immediately. that is all.
Good Evening!

The Veteran's were all pleasantly surprised with the cupcakes! They asked the kids how much? The kids said they are free and thank you for serving our country
It made the surprise even better~ LOL The remaining cupcakes were left for the other vets that would come for dinner, as it is pizza night tonight.

Off to Awana in a little bit

Some of you have been posting recently about lower egg production. Just this past week or so, I noticed my girls steadily declining in their production. Yesterday I was fairly pleased to get 7 out of my 20 layers. Today I only got one. Is there something I'm supposed to be doing differently in regard to feed/light at this time of year? Or is this just something that happens at some point? If so, how long does it last? I've read so many different things, and I'd like to know what my fellow Michiganders have to say. Thanks in advance for the advice.
It's typical for egg production to drastically decline this time of year. A combination of fall moult and decreasing light are the governing factors. A hen is born with every egg she is going to lay. If you provide them with artificial supplemental light, 14 hrs per day, it will lessen the winter slow down but it will decease the calendar days a hen lays not her egg laying potential. It's a matter of how quickly do you want to get the eggs she is preordained to lay.
well i found out why some of my girls stopped laying, well i thought stopped laying, they have in hiding there eggs, under the pop up camper, them little stinkers. i heard one of the girls doing crowing egg yell, and i went, to the coop and no chicken, no egg, so i lessened, she was under the camper, with 11 eggs, bad girls
sassy, sassy, sassy!

as soon as the days get longer again, they kick back into gear. i let mine go natural. the rest is good for their bodies. the break is good for them to 'reboot'.

i have had an amazing week...the Wayley's Children's home ('orphanage') monday night, feeding the homeless last night, hanging with the young people's class i co-lead tonight and it's been nothing but awesome. the kids at Wayley's are just too cool. they call me Turkey Lady. working with the homeless was more of a blessing to me then them i think. i met some really amazing people. and the young people in my class, they are just too cool. always thinking of something we can do for our community to reach out and help.

ohhh...and my oldest daughter got her pink driver's slip!!!! she has been doing great and even been driving at night. we are really proud and giving her lots of practice time.

over and out....lot's to do tomorrow. getting ready for a big butchering on Saturday. yay! woo hooooooo!
Ok, thanks. I guess if nature made them that way, then they must need the rest. I'll just leave 'em alone and get excited when they kick back into gear. I sitll haven't gotten any duck eggs, either. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't unknowingly omitting something vital from their feed. I was doing some reading last night, and I think I'm feeding them too much. In addition to their feeders staying full at all times, I throw LOTS of treats out there throughout the day. That's probably not such a good thing fo rme to be doing, so I'll lay off a bit. Whenever I clean out the fridge, I've been giving it to them as long as it's not meat. Yesterday, they had half a pack of hot dog buns, about a quart of pasta salad, some kalamata olives, about a pint of coleslaw and their normal daily scratch, except I added a scoopful of sunflower seeds to it. I just figured if I was going to clean out the fridge, I'd rather my chickens eat it than to throw it away. But all that stuff probably isn't the best for them.
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