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OD the neighbor that we one of the chicken coops with did put out a trap last night, when i went out this morning to open everyone up, i could see where he put it.
though last year when he had set, my cat Jo Jo, was in it, bad jojo

Yak Lady, oh love you website and about your farm, and letter from the lady that lived there, How wonderful,, that is my dream to have a old farm house and lost of land, hopefully one day. every time i get a new chicken or duck, my hub says i need to get you a farm, now in the spring we are getting 2 goats, Nigerian dwarfs, one we be a weather and a doe for milk.

yep the snow what a little crunchy this morning, from the rain. oh just think we have another 7 yo 9 weeks of this.

I have been running the water from the house for the ducks to take baths, the sit right under it like their taking a shower. too cute.

just order 5 Magpie ducks 4 girls 1 boy, and 1 crested mallard girl, will have to see what she will look like, they didn't have a pic, they get shipped on the 13th, so i should have them by 14 or 15 th.
Thanks, Laura. That letter was very cool to have, and we only received it because of a freak cooincidence. When we were living at the condo on the golfcourse, we had the same next door neighbors the whole time. They were very nice, but very quiet and gone alot. Aside from the occasional smile and nod, we never visited with them. We bought this house and farm from a young couple who had lived here for four years. They bought it when they got married, had two babies, and decided that the property was just more than they could handle. They never had any animals on it, and the pastures were overgrown and the fences were messed up.

One day as I was loading up my car with stuff from the condo, our next door neighbor came outside to ask me if we were moving. I said yes, and that we had bought a small farm in the next town over. He knew the name of the road, and said, "which house?" I answered that it was a 100 yr old fieldstone farmhouse. He looked at me in shock, and asked me to come inside his condo. I was a little freaked out, because he had never invited me in before. I went inside, and his wife was standing in the kitchen. She looked surprised to see me there, and her husband motioned for her to follow us downstairs into their basement. He pointed up to a picture on the wall. It was an artist's pencil sketching of our new farm! I said, "Omigosh! That's our farm!" They informed me that this had been their farm for 18 years. They had raised their sons here, and had rehabilitated horses. They had been forced to move when the wife became ill. They were both overjoyed that we had purchased it, because they had watched in sadness as it fell into disrepair while the young couple had it. They knew that Tom and I would work very hard to get it back in shape.

The next day, they gave me a copy of a letter that had been written to them by a lady named Elizabeth Currie-Lord. She and her family had moved here in 1919, when she was only 5 years old. In her letter, she describes how they lifted the original farmhouse in 1923 and dug a basement. They put the house back down and completely remodeled it. Her father worked with other farmers in the area, and they would bring in all the fieldstones that they had found during the day. They mounted each one themselves. She states in her letter, "...some were pretty and some were plain. But all in all, it was just what mother and dad wanted." Every time I read that, I tear up. I live on Currie Rd, which was named after Mr. Currie. He raised chickens and supplied all the meat and eggs to Maybury Sanitarium (an old TB facility which is now a park). He had several brooders, and kept about 2,000 chickens at a time. Some of the old foundations for the brooders that used to be here are still visible.

That letter is so precious to me. It means so much to have in my possesion a documented account of the history of this farm. It's so strange, too, knowing that I would not have had a clue if I hadn't been out in the driveway of my condo that day, loading up my car.
Hello all you Michiganders. It's me, the spear lady. I've been away for awhile but just had to come back to my favorite online group and say "HI". I had a very disappointing last year as far as my chickens go. I am down to ONLY 30 chickens, imagine me with ONLY 30 chickens! Anyway, I am looking forward to a much better year in 2010. Hope all of you had wonderful Christmas and New Years celebrations. It is going to take me some time to catch up with what has been going on, but I will.

P.S. I am looking for show quality white bantam cochins.
YakLady: you did a great job on the web site. Looks awesome. Love all the pictures on the boarder too. What a great thing to know all about your farm.

Frizzledhen: welcome back.

HBH: I am so glad you werent hurt bad. Ive cut myself a few times pretty good from "dull" knifes. Husband use to crab big time ...so he finally bought me a good set and a sharpener. No Im afraid to use them LOL

Laura: Im glad you got a trap set. Hopefully your JoJo wont be silly and wind up in there again. Cats are so funny

If anyone is wanting some blue eyed white or lavander male Guineas I have a couple extra that will be breeding by spring. Will have a few extra Isa browns pullets that will be 5 months old come March too.
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