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morning all!
So this weekend my Speckled Sussex roo, Chief, hit puberty.
Poor guy was crowin' his fool head off at the crack of dawn. Sounded like someone was choking him!
So far my two handsome roos are getting along...Chief is a big pretty boy with lots of size to him and Radar is a high-white factor roo who is scared of EVERYTHING lol. Radar has two tail feathers that stick out further then the rest by a good 3 inches lol. I'm hoping they keep being friendly with each other so I don't have to split them up or get rid of them. I had picked up a couple of young (what I thought to be) pullets at an swap earlier this year and wouldn't you know it they seem to be cockrels.
Oh well, later tonight Dawn's going to come get one!

Thank you for everyone who threw good vibes my way when it comes to employment for my husband, sounds like he may have landed a job...not the best job but at least it's something!!
Hope everyone has a good day! Only a few more good ones left!
Fowlfest went really well this year. Dad got best light duck in the open show and I got best of breed with my duccle. I was talking to John Blehm and he said that it's possible that the show will be in Bay City next year. It's getting too expensive to have it at Kern Pavillion, which is a bummer, I like the Frankenmuth show:(
Oh yeah! While you were walking around looking at all these amazing birds I was having a slumberparty with 4 little 6-7yr olds....I know you're jealous....

Oh I KNOW who had more fun!!
Maybe next year we can take the girls and they can show in junior showmanship. I think they would enjoy it, it could be a girls weekend!
I went to the swap in Newaygo Saturday. Lots of folks selling, not many buying. I was able to rehome the last extra rooster I had though. I was also very tempted to bring home a little lion head bunny who was just too cute. However my sister in law saved me and she took it home.
There were lots of rabbits , roosters, and peacocks.

any one in Rapid City,Elk Rapids area?

Newbie here going to try and convert a 6x5 wooden playhouse to a coop. and any one I can meet and talk to would be great or trade ideas with over this site would be wonderful

Just got back inside from taking care of the chickens. I had a somewhat busy afternoon. First, I met Keyt and her family at Family Farm to trade her my cochins for some meaties. The meaties are doing fine, they have some catching up to do but I'm sure they'll be fine. Then to the post office.. then I realized it was Columbus Day! its a good thing I just had to drop something into the box. Oh well...

I got some pullets in July, the owner said they were about five weeks old, so that makes them about 20 weeks old.. They are about the same size as my laying hens, just a hair smaller. Their combs/faces are pinkish, so I'm not going to hold my breath for them to lay anytime soon. The rooster that I got with them that is the same age is already crowing, a very pubescent crow, but I think it's cute. Do you think they'll lay this year? or should I just expect eggs next year. They are EEs, BRs, GLWs and Brahmas. I'll take pics tomorrow bc they're already settled in for the night.
I would expect the BRs to lay -- at least lightly -- this year, but wouldn't hold my breath on the other three. Wyandottes and EEs tend to be late layers and Brahmas are slow growers/late to mature altogether. I would expect them to start mid-winter -- around or shortly after the solstice. Of course YMMV.
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Hey, we used to live up there! Moved to Eaton Rapids in 96. We were from Kalkaska/Rapid City area. Grew up there :) Of course, that doesn't help you now, but nice to meet someone from the area.
Kim -

Once you mentioned Opie having a darker head, it was the first thing I looked at this morning. It's sorta like you don't notice changes in your human kids as much as those that don't live with them. Sure enough, comparing to other pics I had of him he has darkened up. I did notice a couple of weeks ago the maroon feathers had darkened too.



These were taken today


This was taken the day he arrived here! Woah, what a difference!!
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