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Chicks seem to have a mind of their own
Yeah! I love my lops and Hares (didn't have any hares with me at the show). Don't know what I'd do without them!
Actually yes I do...I'd be able to go on trips, have more money, I wouldn't have to find a house sitter when I DO get to go on a trip and I'd also be lost without them!
AHhhhhh....nice crisp morning! Had to go start up the truck to get the frost off the windshield this morning so I could see out! Hard to believe it's almost November!!!
Bought my first christmas present of the year...waited about 2 hrs and gave it to my nephew...I suck I keeping things secret LOL I do almost all my shopping on Black friday, though I'm not one of those crazy people...I'm one of those "I hope I get the good deal but if I don't, whatever" people who laugh at the crazy ones.

My husband started his new job at good ol' Wally world this morning, packed him a lunch and sent him on his way.

Yesterday I was working on cleaning the garden out so we can till it under and start the processes of dumpin' bunny poo on it
So the chickens were happy this morning to wake up and find the garden fairy had dumped a bunch of goodies into thier run!
I was able to get one last harvest out of the garden...got carrots, tomatos, peppers and brussell sprouts. Everything else has been dead since we're getting frosts in the morning. Pulled out one of the cherry tomato plants that came up on it's own in the corn, volunteer plants from the year before are the best! Drug it down to throw it into the coop for the chickens to clean up and it had to have been the biggest tomato plant I've ever grown! It was dragging about 6ft behind me and I probably picked near 75 tomatos off it at least and it was still producing them!
Well, back to work! Hope everyone's having a good day!

....oh and STILL NO EGGS!!!
Good morning fellow Michiganders!

If anyone has some lonely bantam ladies, I have a very lonely bantam bachelor that needs a home asap. This beautiful little guy was destined to become "chicken on a stick", but I just couldn't let my friend send him there.
He's a bantam barred Cochin from Sand Hill Preservation, and I'll give him to someone who will offer him a loving pet home.
He's very sweet and quite the little stud muffin.

he is so cute, I would love him but my coop isnt ready yet. if you still have him when I am done I will gladly see if I or someone I know can take him

good luck
Hey all just thought I'd give a heads up in here, I'm offering the pair of American Blues I got from Vicki for sale. They're listed over in the auction forum --> here.

I had intended to keep them and breed them as well as the buffs, but in re-examining the time and facility commitments around here for Spring 2011, the blues are kind of taking a back seat. They're beautiful birds. I just don't think I'm going to have the time and space to work on both them and the buffs in the coming breeding season so thought I'd offer them up for any who may.

(Vicki -- I sincerely hope this does not cause any hard feelings.

And here's a token funny picture of one of the buffs from when I went out to get pictures of the blues for the FS thread for reading... I was trying to take a picture of the goose in the background but someone stuck their face in my lens.

That looks like Georgio! He likes to know what is going on, he runs a tight ship you know!
I totally understand though, I had to make some tough decisions myself. Not enough time, energy and money to go around. You might try Ellen (ZephyrCreek) she has been wanting lavender and I think blue.
Hello everyone. It's been weeks since I posted anything on here, but I hope everyone is well. I have sold off most of my flock YAY! Now I can spend next season on the BLRW, Black Copper Marans, Silkies/Showgirls Welsummers, and Royal Plam turkeys.

However, I have a flock of Guineas that need to find a home quick. I paid way to much for them and don't have the indoor space for them this winter. This means that if anyone needs a breeding flock I will take the highest FAIR price for them. I am not looking to make back what I have spend but looking to get a fair offer. I have the following colors: Royal purple (jumbo size), white, lav pied, and I believe there is one pearl pied in there (with a hurt foot). She was born that way and limps, but gets along fine. 6 birds total will go to the highest offer. I live in Capac. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested, I am not on BYC often.

I get great money for these eggs on EBAY during their laying season (you will get back what you spend) I may also be willing to trade them for something.

Thanks :eek:)
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Up and down temperatures, but I'm sure that the down is going to get lower and more frequent. Oh well, I'll just enjoy what we have for as long as it lasts.

While many of you have given all of your birds names, only one of mine sort of had one. She was a Blue Andalusian that we had hatched in October of 09 and because Hope was worried about it being too cold for her she was brought into the house until the following spring. Once she was taken outside and placed with the others she was referred to as "Blue, the former house chicken". This morning I checked the birds and they were all having a great time tearing the garden apart. This afternoon, when I checked for eggs, a Cooper's hawk flew up from the garden. Further investigation resulted in having to rename my favorite hen to "Blue the former former house chicken". The hawk had eaten all the meat from her neck, one wing, and had made a pretty good dent in one side. I guess 1 loss to hawks in 3 years isn't to bad, but I wish it hadn't been Blue.

Sorry about blue, Opa. One in 3 years isn't bad, that's for sure, but why does it always have to be the ones we liked. We had our first daytime fox attack this year. 7 birds, if I remember correctly, out of hundreds so not bad, but he managed to hit just about every bird the kids considered pets in that one attack. At least the hawk was hungry, I guess. Our fox was just playing.
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