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EVERY school district around us has the day off EXCEPT the one I work for!

Apparently the West Branch kids are tougher than their Arenac and Iosco county counterparts.

-20 windchills and they're making the kids stand out for the bus!
DD has the day off, the district she goes to has the foresight for this. However, my district is still in session although every other district around here is closed today. Just what I need, a day with a bunch of complaining 7th graders.
Our schools are closed again. However, when we have school and it is really cold like this, I simply let them wait inside and go out when the bus comes. If the bus complains, tough tookies, my kids are not getting frostbit standing out for the bus. Our school district tried to tell our kids a few years ago if they were out waiting, they did not have to stop, riding the bus was a privilege. Well, it is not, it is paid for with my taxes, and as long as they are behaving, they can ride. Another parent challenged them because she was a driver for Dean transportation and knew the bus laws. By law they have to stop and wait for 3 minutes. They were actually driving by kids if they were at the end of their driveway, some were on their way down the drive but not there and they refused to stop. They were telling kids they had to be there 5 minutes before but yet they were not always running on time. Needless to say, the other parent won and the buses now stop!
Freezing over here in Fowlerville....No school yesterday, roads not plowed as of this morning and they had school today...made no sence to me, as nothing had changed froom Monday to Tuesday. Several buses got stuck and lots of folks late to school. Not sure what they were thinking! Our road was plowed by noon, so 2 cars can drive down it now. My dear hubby got the snow drifts busted through so one car could get through.

We do homeschool, but the youngest is in preschool, so I got to drive him in.

Kids are doing chores and I am going to fill the tub as I am freezing and need to warm up! I am tired too, I have been up since 4am

Keyt- we have some poor ladies moulting right now. I feel so bad for them! They always seem to do ok. Just wish they would moult in the fall instead of now!

Cricket- I still need to get our tree up! The kids have asked, but whenever we have time, someone is off doing an activity. And I would be in trouble if someone missed out!

Emily's duck barn is done! The ducks are happy to not be picked on by the chickens, and so is Emily

Have a great night and keep warm!
When my son was in school, this kinda thing didn't make sense. The driveway was long and it took at least 5 minutes to get to the end of the drive. I don't force any kids to stand outside in weather like it's been. Well, the school would close if it was too cold for the kids who walked or stood out for a bus, but they wouldn't stop for the kids who were inside staying warm? The rule there too was the driver had to wait 3 minutes....never happened!

On another good, good news. Gizmo the rabbit is back to himself!!! Not exactly sure what happened to him. He didn't eat for a few days, barely moved and didn't stretch his legs out much when he was on the floor hopping around. Now he's his wild and crazy self again, eating everything in sight, at the door waiting to be picked up and his eyes are wide open. Only thing we can think of is he jumped out of my daughter's hands when she was taking him out to the dog run to exercise. He didn't fall far but he was excited to see his buddy who was also in there so he jumped out. I don't know what else happened. He wasn't constipated or didn't throw up or anything.

Funny thing is, Aric isn't big on having animals on the porch, but when it was time for the call babies to go out to the barn, he kept telling me to give them one more day. Same with Gizmo. Last night we said he was good enough to back to the barn. When I was outside taking pics of the sunset I said I had to come in and get Gizmo. He said "Oh give him one more night, he's fine where he is" LOL
Cricket - Smoking can dry out meat and make it tough very quickly. Is this the first time you've smoked something? I'm thinking you probably just over smoked it.

Ferret - Has she been outside or is this in the morning in the coop that you're finding frost on her? My girls had some snow/frosty spots stuck on their feathers the other day when they were out in the blowing snow. But if it's in the morning I would agree, it sounds like you've got a condensation problem.

Looks like it's going to stay cold until the end of the week now. At least the wind has died down, though. That made a big difference yesterday. Didn't seem nearly as cold doing chores out in it in the morning.

Only a few more days of shortening daylight now, too. I'm definitely looking forward to that.
We always should have something to look forward to. It makes life a little easier sometimes. So with that in mind I will remind everyone that we only have about 125 days til the weather starts to become more bearable.
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