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Hope you all had a great Easter with family and or friends. Loved the sunshine. I was in Cadillac over the weekend visiting family. The bad news, upon return I found an easter egg hen on the coop floor dead, she had layed an internal egg that ruptured and died very quickly I figured by the rigors. (sad face) The good news, our new chicks arrived from McMurray early and in the batch was a free chick, yep, its and easter egger. Pics to come soon.
Wow! Busy day here today, lots of new posts to catch up on. I hope everyone had a good Easter Sunday. We spent the day outside working. Weather hasn't been cooperating and it doesn't look like it has any intention of changing that trend in the foreseeable future so had to take advantage of the good days as they come.
Looks like this is our forecast for the week. Not very pleasant but at least its not snow.

61 days til Chickenstock
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Olive we worked all day outside also when we got home from out church services. Beautiful sunny DRY day and you gotta use those precious days to advantage. We hauled our two new coops last week from Caledonia to here on a trailer .However..to get to their "placement" area...had to go across the drain field. SO...we used pvc pipes as rollers and managed to get them rolled into place after "jacking" them up constantly and pushing and straining.
Funny how those type of muscle using jobs get harder as we age! Got windows and vents in one of them...put in linoleum and by 5pm yesterday was ready to move the 3 1/2 old chicks to their home. It was calling for low 30's and I was anxious to see how they did this morning...all ok...they were sleeping under the heat lamp but when I left were busy eating and acted ok. We still need to put windows in the other coop and put up the dog kennel with netting and fence in the perimeter area of all 3 coops. I read Opa's warning about coons and these new coops have slide up doors for the chickens to use. I cannot figure how to latch slide up doors?! Without fencing up yet and no latch I was worried. Coons are so darn smart...can they slide up a chicken door? Any ideas HOW to secure a slide up door or do we need to change it for a drop down like we have on our old coop.????? Ideas or advice very welcome!
Oh NO!!!!
So I am filling out my calendar for June because we want to try to take a little vacation that month and I just realized something...There's a 2 day rabbit show that lands on June 25th and 26th!!!
It's in Mason,MI...now I'm going to have to figure out what I'm going to do, a rabbit show or chicken stock.
There needs to be two of me.
Hi everyone, long time no see! I have had several issues I have been dealing with, health, personal, etc. I need to cut back on my animals quite a bit. I will be selling all of my BLRW if anyone is interested. I need to go out and count, but I think there is 3 roosters between 6 months-18 months and about 10 hens between 6 months - and 3 years. All very nicely marked, laying like gang busters right now. I will also have some seramas probably, and some pilgrim goslings (had 8 hatch this morning) and possibly ducklings too. Oh and some pet goats. Oh and auburn turkeys, they need to go to. I might part with one of my maremmas, the female, she still needs a little training but is coming along nicely, she just turned a year in January. Please contact me privately and be patient, I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Fifelakelooper- I have an idea for your security issue. Google "latch post safety hasp" I believe they also have ones with a hole in the non moving part that you can put a padlock thru and make it super secure. Sorry I don't know the the technical term for the non moving part. Hope it makes sense and helps.
blue laced red wyandottes. I have two HUGE roos, they crow all darn day!! They're absolutely beautiful brothers that drive me insane because we had to separate them. One of them has had to live with the ducks for the last few months and we've started setting up areas for them separately, but we didn't know what to do for them as far as ladies.



Here they are facing off. It seems to me I was told they are BLRW x Andalusian, but I see more BLRW in one and Andalusian in the other. They have been seriously obnoxious since they were separated. They crow back and forth, even when in the coops at night!! They're Aric's boys, he loves them and wants them to have ladies. I guess if I wanna keep my 22 ducks, the boys have to stay
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