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started building another chicken tractor today with my free lumber. It will be for bantams.

regarding isa brown ; will never get them again. Will have one old gal as long as she lives cause of her comedic ways.
Opa, what's happening to your avatar? You're shrinking!

I wish that were true with me. I'm getting pretty close to rendering size.
That is fantastic Pyncheon!! I have not yet planted Dahlias...only because I do not like the idea of planting lots of bulbs....and then have to dig them up prior to winter....only to start over again next spring...and...well you get the picture! That is a lot of work repeated. I have to say however...that your results are so beautiful I can see why you do it. Labor of love, eh?
Do you have tours of Irish acres? Where are you located again? I think you may have told us but I forget.
Can't understand why anyone would not like ISA Browns. While they aren't a particularly attractive bird, they aren't any less intelligent than any of the other breeds. I often think the denigrating term "bird brain" must have been coined to describe chickens. While they won't roll over or play fetch, they are smart enough to know that I bring feed and come running.

They do however excel at what I expect from my birds, eggs. They are one of the best large brown egg layers around. I know several folks that raise them exclusively and wouldn't think of keeping anything else. If someone is looking to have chickens and their primary objection is egg production they'd be hard pressed to find a better breed.
Is this type of chicken (isa browns) inferior? I think that is my whole flock now with the exception of Burton (the one with the wound).. she is an Austrolop or whatever it is..
I got rid of the Rooster ,,,, another one... This one was a beauty... the man who took him enters competions and said that this rooster was a rare one... He believe it was... (excuse me if I do not have the name correct).. Americana with blue feet??? He was going to give him away but decided to keep him and win a few ribbons. I am glad he got a good home. My chickens gave me eggs all winter long with no problems... the spring time is where I had a few problems.. with them eating the eggs.. but now I think it might of been the rooster as I have not seem one broken...since... KNock on wood...
My chickens are pretty smart for chickens.. they know that at the bottom of the pail is usually goodies...lettuce,grapes, watermelon ect. when I don't give it they persist...



I completely and totally agree, they do excel at egg laying. What I mean by dumb is they always like to get in the way, roll around in the mud, get stuck in the ice, NEVER go inside even when it's pitch dark, stupid things. Plus they are the only ones who have dug MAJOR holes in the run. I am keeping two just because they are great egg layers, but I didn't need all of them. I originally had more roos than hens but a neighbor took them.

Again, everyone has their own preferences and experiences. I'd just rather get rid of a few good egg layers to fix a few problems!
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OH, they like their dust baths!! Guess all chickens do. Guess they didn't have one in the run and made it themselves! Smart! lol I have a SLW that refuses to go in until everyone else has settled down. Then, she'll mosey on in and pick a spot to roost. Last night it was 9pm before I got her to go in. Chickens hang around when you're outside cuz they are waiting to see if you have any treats for em. They love when I work outside and wait for the worms and bugs. And I love the company. I talk over my problems to them and they give me their opinion and what's best!

Is it ok to have pea gravel in the chicken run? My neighbor got 12 chicks and they are ready to go out. Is it ok for the young chicks? They dug most of it out, but still some in there. I created another chicken addict!!
I wish my Isa's would go in at all!! I have to chase them in every night and sometimes I wait and watch because we can see the run from the kitchen window. They'll crawl into a corner of the run together or sometimes just run around. I can't leave them out there because, although I've never seen them around my chickens, we have lots of critters around here that would get them! Ive only heard the coyotes near our bedroom window, but that's not far from the chicken run!

Glad to know I'm not the only one who talks to my chickens. I think the ducks are better listeners though lol:D
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