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You'll love it here, great folks who are very helpful anytime you have questions. Glad you're with us!
I have been hearing stories about the aftermath from Sundays storms how sad..I wish everyone affected the best of luck! Another hot day tomorrow and that would make things horrible to folks who do not have electricity. With this hot temps everyone remember that the birds can't fend for themselves..make sure they have fresh water and adequate shade.

Opa: How long have you been raising Vorwerk Bantams? Where did you find get your start from?
I really like Vorwerks. Nice small bird, easy to work with. Good layer, broody. I've had them for 3 years now and got my original birds for John Bleihm in Birch Run.
Good Morning everyone.

It was a wonderful weekend- got a WHOLE BUNCH accomplished. Now, work all week.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
The next two days are the busiest for me, at work. I have month-end drug counts to do, and food inventory, a schedule to modify, and supervisor shtuff to do. However, work is air-conditioned, and my house is not...so I will be cool.

The pump in my pond went kaput.

I just put sixty 'mosquito eaters' in there, too. Im sure if they surface to get air, the ducks will have a feast.

Sam, where are you with the coffee?
Anyone want to come to Fife Lake and help me plant 100 bulbs??

Had a phone message from hubby's cardiologist yesterday while we were at friends...who knew they'd call us on a holiday?? Anyway....prior to any surgery/ablation procedure it sounds like they are going to "convert" his heart rhythm for the 5th time with the "paddles". Each time it has been more difficult to do and last year they said couldn't do it again. Prayers are very welcome and if you don't go that route...send some good , positive thoughts his way. Haven't talked to doc yet but I'm assuming within the next few days they will try to convert his heart again.
All the chicks are doing good...and just maybe I'll be able to get to Chickenstock with some BBS Jersey's and English Orps for those wanting them.
Good morning all, Looks like another hot one in Michigan.. but we can't complain... others have had it much much worse. Thank you Opa and Hillybillyhen. I felt right at home here. I will continue to check in and say "Hey".

You are so right Opa that some of us are real good at changing our lives to suit our situation. I call it "Not rocking the boat".. LOL but a therapist once told me if you never intend to rock the boat... you will always be stuck at the shore. Good thought for the day.
Never been to fifelake, We just bought a cottage near Gladwin michigan. It has been a year and a half now.. we are almost done on the inside... I have some painting to finish but I have to wait for my grandson to finish school first.
I am sorry to hear about your husbands health problems... a prayer will be said... I hope everything works out for you all. My brothers have all had heart surgery... my mother and father died young from Heart attacks.. So I fight the fight.
Just don't give up.

What a good BOY!! I am determined to teach my Mangy Rescue to be "content" around our chickens. We can't let our chickens free range but if we ever move and get the chance too, I would like her to guard my flock (not eat them)

I love your pictures. One day I will have some BCM's...
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