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Arg....that is a challenge because momma is probably close by and you definately don't want her to hear her crying baby in your yard.
I did- and they do not rehab raccoons. All of my sources of rehabbers numbers have recording that say they are at capacity.

I will surrender it to the Michigan Humane Society tomorrow- they will probably put it down- but it wont be me.
Well the found bird seems to be doing quite well. It definitely has green legs and since they are relatively smooth it must be a young bird.

The raccoon menace is a great as ever. This evening I was talking with Bluemoon and she was describing how this afternoon she had checked her birds and not over a hour later discovered a massacre. She was telling me about the incident and how the slaughtered chicks looked, and I was offering my opinion that it was a coon, when she exclaimed "it's back, a raccoon is trying to get the rest of the chicks". She hung up quickly to go handle the situation. I just talked with again a few minutes ago and she was happy to announce that there is now one less coon in the world. Unfortunately I don't think that there is anywhere in the state with just one coon.
The battle rages on.
Hi All I hope that I have not busted any rules. I posted this on another thread. I have learned sooo much from everyone here. We just completed the coop and our four red whatever Tractor Supply pullets and the four BSL from TSC are now in the coop. The run is almost done. The coop measures at least 7'x7' interior. The real question is that both my neighbors want me to have a Rooster
because they used to remember growing up to the the crowing. I like idea of having A ROO but I remember as a child my aunt's vicious leg horn chasing us away. Is it wrong to want a sexy cool looking rooster not for breeding? Any input is welcome. We hope to make it to chicken stock!
A lot of people keep a rooster around as a companion for their hens. There are nice roosters out there, not all of them are aggressive.

Wow you have neighbors that WANT you to have a rooster?!
Just wanted to share a couple of pics...


My 3 week old babies with no names yet. I'm almost positive the yellow one is a Pekin x Muskovie and the black one is probably a call


I have silkies that share sitting duties. Literally, one takes a nap and the other one keeps an eye on everyone in the barn.


The flash scared her so she put her head up for a second
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