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To all the newbies!! Great site, great people, great advice and great fun!
Was wondering where you were, keyt. Hope you feel better soon. Beautiful day...enjoy!
Welcome Sulco, will be heading through your area in about a month and a half. Our deer camp is over by Wakefield. Can't wait to get back to the beautiful UP.
Hello all my MI friends. Sorry I have been absent. Due to illness I no loner have chickens. :0( What I do have is EVERYTHING chicken! You name it I have it. Due to the fact that I now have to move everything has to go. If you need something chicken, I can make you a good deal. Here is a list which may not be conclusive. There is so much chicken stuff!
waterers, large to small
feeders, large to small
water heaters which sit under the waterer
heat lamps
2, 2'X3' brooders
large rabbit hutch, used for broodies
small rabbit hutch also used for broodies
incubator with moving egg rack, used 2 times, washed and disinfected each time
incubator rack doesn't move (not suppose to), used 3 times also washed and disinfected each time, I found a broody hen worked much better
one chest freezer which I used for feed, drained of whatever was in it to run it ???? ;0)
large hard plastic pool used for ducks
covered cat boxes used for broodies
100 foot of fencing
4X4s used for roosting
lots of metal posts for fencing
small dog crates
1 large dog crate
10 hole nest box for bantams
lots and lots of meal worms
some things are new some are gentley used and some are cheap but usable
lots of things are clean and in my basement, some are still in the barn and covered with chicken dust, it has been hard going to an empty chicken barn
If you see something that you can use let me know. I am not looking to get rich but can't afford to just give it away. Times are hard for all of us so let's deal.
Thanks, Frizzledhen
Do any of you go to Mark Oberly auctions in dundee to buy chickens , I go every couple of weeks but never see any silkies but they always have lots of other breeds and usually chicks. they also have turkeys,ducks,goats and more
Sorry to hear about having to give up part of the family!
What is your location?

Sorry, guess that would be good information to give out ;0)

I live in Springport, 49284 which is south of Lansing
Gayle, So sorry to hear about your illness and having to give up your chickens. My prayers will be with you. Don't be a stranger. Drop in and keep in touch.
Ah, downstate, nevermind!

I'm too far north to consider getting any of your kit.

/holds up left hand and points to knuckle on the thumb

I'm here.
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