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Good good...
Okay which other feather-foot or non feather foot shall I pair up with that one for you?

I will post more pictures..let me get this surgery out of the way, and then I will have plenty of time to take pictures!`

a YELLOW big, a RED?Brown Big, and a little dUccle!

Good good...
Okay which other feather-foot or non feather foot shall I pair up with that one for you?

I will post more pictures..let me get this surgery out of the way, and then I will have plenty of time to take pictures!`

a YELLOW big, a RED?Brown Big, and a little dUccle!
I must have missed your garden question(s). What did you ask? Perhaps I can help.

I will go back and copy paste it a bit later if you don't mind! You also seem to have missed / ignored my comment about your chicken dog...

I am going to give those egg muffins a whirl tonight! We'll see how well it works with tofurkey instead of ham, but really I don't see why it shouldn't.

I only have one problem. My muffin tin is full of poison ivy berries.
And I'm not sure I can clean it enough not to be scared of cooking anything in it!
Had a productive afternoon doing what Opa has been doing the last couple of weeks. We have one large, very neglected apple tree in the front yard, so I tried pruning it back. It is actually a crabapple on two trunks and a regular fruit apple on the other two trunks. I don't exactly know what variety it is, but I expect the crabapple part may be used to pollinate the edible apple part. I will try to spray dormant oil on it in the morning when it isn't so windy. Unfortunately the tractor is still broke, otherwise I could climb up in the bucket and have the DW raise me up in it and I could spray down on top of the tree. As it is, we just have an 8' ladder that I am going to try to spray from in the morning...not exactly looking forward to it. Was certainly a beautiful afternoon. Looking forward to the rest of the week! Hopefully will be able to work some more on the coop sometime in the next few days.

When is the surgery Mom2EM? 15th? 16th? Will be praying all goes smoothly!
Raz -

"I am wondering now if I have this straight. If anyone would be so kind as to let me know, I would appreciate that.

It sounds like it would not be okay for me to put fresh chicken poop down in a layer, if I am putting it in a layer it should be composted first.

It is okay to put in fresh chicken poop if you mix it in with other compostable materials.

Is this correct?

For my new bed, I am putting down first a very large old tarp, because it is going in an area that is currently all dense dune grass over sand. On top of that, I am laying old, rotting plywood and chipboard. Then I am putting down a thin layer of mulch. On top of that I am adding a layer of straw, then a layer of compost, and finally a layer of topsoil.

Unless I should be sandwiching the straw between the compost and topsoil?"
I will go back and copy paste it a bit later if you don't mind! You also seem to have missed / ignored my comment about your chicken dog...

I only have one problem. My muffin tin is full of poison ivy berries.
And I'm not sure I can clean it enough not to be scared of cooking anything in it!

I missed the chicken dog comment as well. I was pretty zoned out yesterday.

Dare we ask why you have Toxicodendron radicans fruit in a muffin pan.
Juise... Do I even want to know why you have poison ivy berries in your muffin pan?

I am going to see how many silkies I would have to get, and if they can give me only pullets. I really only want 4. If I can get only 4, and you are willing to pick up, I will send my carrier with you. I don't really care on the colors. They are for US, not for anything else really. I just hope Roger can keep up with them all when they are old enough. LOL. They are NOT for Mr. Fluffers. AND they will be getting a protected run.

Anyway. I caught Miss Ugly, who really isn't so ugly anymore. Her feathers are so awesome. Love them Here she is...

The way those top feathers are coming in, you'd almost think she was polish..
And here she is giving a stink Eye to me. I caught her by taking off my plaid shirt and throwing it over her. I do think she's a she. She 6 weeks, and has that comb combo... BUT its very small.
Juise was it about the Lady Slipper? Cause my memory on those is drummed into my brain and raZ reminded me. Never pick a handful and bring them to your mother they are PROTECTED.
Haven't seen a yellow EE but who knows. Those Wellies are cute! Glad they made it ok.
I have 2 yellow EE. very sweet

Nova, my BO had a poo butt and was so thin I don't know how she made it through the winter, after having her in the basement for 2 or more weeks I had DH help me put her down and did a very amateur necropsy she had a large mass of egg yolk very high in the rib cage, I could not feel any lump or swollen area. she had been laying shell-less eggs for a while before she stopped completely. She was 4. hope that is not what is wrong with your hen

ladyfeather nice people here HI,
to any other newbies I have missed
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