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Well, if there is one thing that I notice while I was married, frequent good sex, whether I felt like it or not, got a lot of things done at home that otherwise wouldn't have. I kept hubby happy in that area, and he kept me happy in all those others. Now, I don't have a dependable guy, and I find that I have absolutely no problem fending for myself in the get it and fix it department. And I can not ask my ex to help, cuz for one he is remarried, and for two, well, I am not into married men. LOL. And three, his wife keeps him busy at home doing all their fun chores and home improvements. And no, I wouldn't change it, cuz I wouldn't have my kids if we were still married. Nor would I have my chickens. I loves my chickenses.
Oh, flower box... needs a flower box under a faux window!
Oh!!!! I like that idea! I'm going to be painting the other coop to match this one (because it needs a good paint job anyways) and plant to add a little white to it to give it that big-red-barn look. My brothers are both artists (one is an extremely talented tattoo artist) and I'm hoping that I can talk one or both of them into painting some chickens on the coops.
I'm stuck here at work today so I can't get anything done on the coop until I get home...((pout))

The plan is to candle Tuesday. Crossing fingers.

for you!!

I need a vacation..
ugh...me too!!!! Just so I can get things done around the house!

WHY does everything have to be so complicated?
Seems to me, I have a lazy husband who will do anything and everything for anyone EXCEPT our own house.
This is why I just do it all myself. (well, and to make sure it's done right) I'm not a very tall person (my drivers license says 5ft 1"....I lied to get that 1"
) so the only time I ask for help is if I can't reach something by way of ladder.(he's 6ft 4") I'll say hey lets paint the coop and he'll say "we need to do this and this and this..." and all I want to do is paint the coop! So I completely know what you're talking about. lol
You know what really grinds my gears...he watches the DYI shows about home improvement ALL THE TIME...never applies any of it that he learns to real life though. ((sigh)) This year I'm going to get him to help me put downspouts on the house if I have to trick him onto the roof and take away the ladder until he does it!
Sam, I am glad you got the flag flying!
Good job!

Now I have a question for you men.
Good morning all , Beautiful day on the rise. chooks are out free ranging already, got lots of chores planed for today(my day off,)Yeah!!
Opa, congrats an the flag pole,

As for men, after 45yrs of marriage I can tell you they are all different. My youngest daughter will come up here on a Sunday with the girls and when she gets home her DH will have the bathroom completely re don, he paints murals (stencils) on the kids bedroom walls got one in in the kitchen, absolutely beautiful, !! he doesn't fix cars or anything else, he calls a repair man. ....my DH likes to build and has made me a very nice coop and 3 lg tractors, one for oldest daughter that also has chicks, other things he procrastinates till I do it my self or hire it done. My advise either hire it done of figure out how to do it your self, Some times if you start then will finish, cause YOU CAN'T do it right

well time to get some work done, only 75 posts behind here, maybe I can catch up later
WHY does everything have to be so complicated?
Maybe it makes us appreciate it more! Just starting something takes me forever because I have to round everything up and with no garage tools could be and usually are everywhere! My DH's problem is he has way to many projects going on and can't seem to focus on just one.... except right now. He took the day off to finish up the roof sheeting on the garage since today is supposed to be WARM and not windy!

This is spring break for us so I hope to get lots done with no school work each day. I have a baby quilt to make, diaper bag, booties and hat and then the new little chicken tractor for the little ones to complete. Our only BIG plans are a group of my son's friends are going to see the Lorax this week. Other than that.....

Everything was white with frost this morning when I got up. The sun is finally melting it off. Hope it's a great day!

I'm on your list to get Narrangansetts from you this year. I am hatching keets. I got 4-5 different colors last year from Winters Guinea Farm in Iowa. When it's time to get the poults from you, if you're still interested in keets, let me know and I'll bring some,

Awesome! Thanks. The hens have just finally started laying. Apparently the early spring weather didn't fool them.
Sad morning. My DH went to go let out the chickens and to his horror he realized he had accidently locked one of the silkies (Beullah) out of the coop last night. She was in the run seriously injured (neck broken). We are not sure if she did it to herself or if something tried to pull her through the chicken wire but I had to put her down this morning.

I wonder if I should search for another silkie to keep her sister (Mavis) company. They were inseperable.
Good Morning,
It's so nice to have the sun shining and the air feel crisp....I'm liking the weather more & more. I've always been an early riser and found that I enjoy the mornings the best. Being outside so early as the sun comes up, seeing & hearing the subtle sounds of nature makes me appreciate the simple things in life that we all take for granted at times.

It was so nice to go out to the coop this morning and see fresh green grass in the run instead of that yucky old straw from the winter. We moved the coop to greener pastures & cleaned up the old spot.

QUESTION: Do you guys think grass will grow there if DH throws some seed down....everything was depleted right down. Do you think their fecal deposits will be too strong...it was raked up well.

Yesterday while Granny was at church I got the ground compacted around the flag pole and then went to the store and picked up a good quality American flag to fly. She was absolutely thrilled to discover it flying when she came home. Such a simple act, yet so much joy.
Those are the best.... priceless!!

WHY does everything have to be so complicated?
They make it seem complicated because it's something they don't want to tackle at the moment....at least that is what mine does!

As for men, they are all different. My advise either hire it done of figure out how to do it your self, Some times if you start then will finish, cause YOU CAN'T do it right

So true & good advice. After repeated suggestions of....We should do this or this really needs to be done, can you do this or that...have failed... I always say I'll do it myself, get someone else to help and YES.....hire it done. That always gets mine moving! Also, if he see's me waving a hammer helps too!! lol

Maybe it makes us appreciate it more! Just starting something takes me forever because I have to round everything up and with no garage tools could be and usually are everywhere! My DH's problem is he has way to many projects going on and can't seem to focus on just one.... except right now. He took the day off to finish up the roof sheeting on the garage since today is supposed to be WARM and not windy!

This is spring break for us so I hope to get lots done with no school work each day.
As complicated as they seem at times I do appreciate them.....they just have total different way of thinking. My DH also always has a lot going and a lot on his plate. I've found it to be helpful sometimes to just remind him his plate is only so big and it's already overflowing.

It's spring break for us to and I'm also so glad for the break from homework & running especially with Easter around the corner and a never ending bucket list.

Good day to everyone and enjoy the sunshine!!
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