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Good morning Michigan, windy and a little damp here but the rain missed us (again) - getting pretty dry up here. Grass is hardly growing yet, and the fruit trees have not budded yet. Snow and 27 called for tonight, think I will leave a light on in the little chicken coop with the 5 week olds.

I had one this hatch that could be heard through 2 closed doors - a bantam cochin, tiny little thing.
I am not going to even TRY to catch up on the posts. Almost 300 posts behind. I had unexpected guests this weekend but I managed to finish most of my weekend plans/projects.

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend.
What are some dos and don'ts of coop building? Just downloaded google sketchups!!! Gonna get to sketchin'!!!

Do make it 2x's larger than you want, ventilation is importand insulation is not, I like mine up off the ground so things can't dig under it, and did I mention make it LARGE cause there is a thing called chicken math.
We had some beautiful weather yesterday! Got all the orchids outside along with the banana tree!!!
Growing some celery that seems to be taking off!
I decided to breed crickets for our turtle, so we went out and bought 2 doz crickets and a container to lock them in! My hubby cut a hole in the top and put screen in it... He did a really nice job! Just gotta wait for them to lay eggs now...

Crazy windy here, but warm. It is going to rain again...good for the orchids!!!
We build at least 2 coops a month...and now chicken tractors. We get scrap wood from all over and make all sorts of cool creations. Here's the latest:


We have a bigger one that's going up in the next couple of days.

Just use your imagination. Chickens don't care. The only things I really suggest are make sure you have vent holes or windows and paint, paint, paint...especially on the outside!!! Look at the ad and you can see what we do.

We either get wood from builders who have leftovers, people giving stuff away on Craigslist or sometimes (but rarely) buy things. I'm a photographer so we often do extra driving around and you would be amazed at the things that people give away. Last summer someone had an above ground pool at the end of their driveway. That has been the roof covering (there are USB boards underneath) for 8 coops so far and we still have some left!

Our coops are pretty popular because we take the time to make sure they are built sturdily unlike the ones in feed stores! I was building a chicken tractor for a week til I had surgery last Monday. It's sitting in the front yard of our house next door and I've had probably more than 5 people stop (we live on a somewhat busy road) and ask how much it was. AND ITS BRIGHT PINK!!
So I'll be making them to sell now while Aric builds the coops after I heal from surgery

If you have any questions feel free to ask. If I don't know I'll ask Aric, he's been a woodworker for 30 years.
Thanks! It looks simple yet functional! I may have been over thinking this! :/ Pink that is pretty bold! This is what I was thinking... Turned out really long... so I squished it!


Fortunately the women at the baby shower didn't eat all the cake so there is still some coconut pound cake left. So grab yourself a cup of coffee and a piece of cake and we'll all be ready to face what ever the day has to offer.

I think I will! Coconut pound cake sounds awesome!!!

I always end up laughing at myself when the power is out. Walking through the house flipping on light switches without thinking...
Glad i am not the only one! I always seem to do this... then the power comes back on and the house is as bright as day cause I have gone from room to room switching them on and being disappointed...

Morning folks. Good thing I got quite a bit done yesterday...today looks a little damp. I woke up to tiny peeping coming from my dinning room table (where the bators are)...wait did I say tiny? I mean the sound of chicks peeping into a megaphone
it's amazing how loud something the size of a golf ball can be! I'm up to 4 now! 1 mix, 1 black and 2 splash silkies.

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Shore to shore..I here that's an awesome ride. We trail ride, but just locally. We have a group that varies from 10-20 riders. 4 of us grew up together riding ponies....now we are all married and our kids are all around the same age, anywhere between 8months and 7 yrs. so now we plop the older kids on their ponies and take them along behind our horses and go for much shorter rides between potty breaks and short attention spans.
OH! Important note to those of you on the poult waiting list -- we are already hatching and will continue. So no worries! We will be filling poult orders this year, we just won't have the turkeys for future years.
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John, what age was she when her toes curled? Odd....

Just got internet back, wicked windy here....the BR is 9 months old. She's been a very productive layer and continues to lay, however, this morning she layed on the floor. It's been 2 weeks now because as I left to Boston my wife noticed a stumble, and since her condition has been stable to the point she stumbles around and uses her wings to balance when she tips over. Pretty sure she's avoiding the normal food/water only because it must be painful to move. Placing food/water next to her works but is time consuming to say the least. I was hoping to see improvement with the vitamins. The snowshoe idea has been around since my Dad tended a high production flock (1000 + birds) in Oregon back in the 40's. They did experiments for Purina back then and that was one aspect. Anyway, I'm willing to work with her. On a bright note, it's sunny now!
Morning ladies!

Yay! Chicks! I wish I had hatched some out. Maybe this Fall I'll build a second coop while my husband is at work and get an incubator.

My hubby left the Kalamazoo Hazelnut beans open all night so I think the flavor is going take a hit there. If anyone is looking for a nice treat I highly recommend their coffees because they are local, delicious, and not much more than a pound of store brand whole bean coffee. That and the Hazelnut actually has the oil and chunks of the nuts in it.

Backyard Farm Mom- Looks good! Yeah, its easy to over think your first coop. I am still working on ours. My stepdad has loads of plywood, nails, and various 2 x's that I can use and the ReStore down the road will probably have the rest of what I need in either the way of wood or hinges. Unfortunately I am trying to convince him that they need more than a box frame and chicken wire (Like what you see in a pet store for rabbits. We've got hawks, weasels, feral cats, occasional loose dogs, foxes, and few people claiming they see coyotes from time to time.

Fortunately it looks like my sleepy chick is doing better. I moved the light closer and it seems to peck around under it more than the rest; they are usually between the lamp area and the other end of the bin.

Amazing birds for sale! I wish I had the time and ability to properly breed to standards and purpose. Maybe one day when we have more room. I hope they get an awesome home Olive!

It's sad to hear about your girl, John. I hope her foot gets better with the snowshoe method.

(removed massive quote because one shouldn't post under caffeinated and two kids rampaging under foot. Sorry all!)
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