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Would it be unwise of me to tell every one to shut up? Just till I catch up?

lol....62 posts in a VERY Short period since I was last on.....I'd say it's OK!

Didn't we tell you?
You have been tasked to write a weekly summary of what we talk about here on this thread.
To make it easy, a new thread has been started on BYC. "Nova's Weekly Recap of the Michigan Thread". Your first post is due tomorrow by noon.

Can't wait, I will have so much free time to do other things!!
Didn't we tell you?
You have been tasked to write a weekly summary of what we talk about here on this thread.
To make it easy, a new thread has been started on BYC. "Nova's Weekly Recap of the Michigan Thread". Your first post is due tomorrow by noon.
Um... Maybe easier to do a daily wouldn't it? LOL. I think I'd be taking a lot of notes otherwise!
ok, I have a question that I suspect I may regret asking... what's an uggo?
Don't ask Mom2...She can show you what roosters look like...but not the hens


Would it be unwise of me to tell every one to shut up? Just till I catch up?

Is it okay to bring eggs to eat if we store them in a cooler?
as long as you cook them and you're not offering us raw eggs
although if you're bringing a blender and the ingredients for eggnog I'm totally in!!
Just letting everyone know ahead of time what we are bringing to chickenstock.
- serama chicks and hatching eggs
- blrw bantam chicks (sold to RBahmer)
- laying pullets of different breeds
- muscovy ducklings
- a few call ducklings
- hatching and eating eggs from different breeds of chickens
- a golden laced sebright pullet
- a few millie fleur duccle teenagers
- theron fowl farm t-shirts

Is it okay to bring eggs to eat if we store them in a cooler?


Are they sexed??? I desperately NEED two females. Man they're hard to find!!!

What color muskovies? How much are your t-shirts??
My chicks had TV in the garage/coop, but it was only basic cable.
I had a parrot that would call the cat, "here kitty, kitty, kitty" and the cat would come every time. Then the parrot would laugh hysterically. Darn bird did the same to my ex-wife except it was the phone ringing.
I came home from work one day and the bird was gone, the ex said she gave him away because he was "mean".

Ha! OK parrots aren't birds. They're (hmmm how does censoring work... ) hot dogs with feathers.

Parrots are creepy and fascinating. But not normal birds. Parrots, Ravens, Starlings - they have feathers and wings but they are totally "other".
I hope everyone has an amazing time at chickenstock! Maybe I'll try and go next year, it sounds like a lot of fun. Though I am closer to the location used for Wisconsin's chickenstock
We're passing on Chickenstock this year, too.
I mentioned before that my husband is the voice of reason when it comes to animals. Penny (the suspected rooster) hasn't crowed yet, and we can't get any more unless one leaves. I said I could go just to meet everyone. He saw right through me.

That said, if 8 week old Penny crows soon, I'll be checking around in a month or so for chicks or young pullets.
And, again, if anyone forsees a need for a Buff Orpington rooster in their future...
But what do I know? I only have both killed animals by gun and had the very unfortunate experience of having to deal with animals that have been poisoned.

or the record, I don't really care what method you use. It's when you decide to start taking aim at responsible gun owners with patently false information that I take issue.
Olive: As gun owners ourselves, I have to agree with you. Most Glorious Spousal Unit hunts each year, and is a "crack" shot, getting his quota within an hour of sunrise. He shoots here too, and makes sure the "beast" in question does not suffer.

We eat what we kill. So poison is not a good thing. And, if people go around using poison, who knows what the food chain is going to be like.
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