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That way I don't ignore you and wonder who the crazy person sitting under the awning is!?!? LOL
LOL That was too funny. I'm siting there watching you go by and never even looked. Some guy comes by and says "Hi" and still no Jen. I'm thinking hmmm maybe I need to go register at the lab.
Something the prosecutor said today... Basically that no one anywhere has a pet chicken.

How many people consider their chickens to be pets? I'm going to compile a list.
Me! But I would prefer that my real name be omitted... Maybe a first name would be okay.
I have named them all and even bathed a few
My chicks have slept in the house and even on my lap. They had their own blankie to snuggle with in the brooder.
Umm there is also a video from PBS that is called The Natural History of Chickens
There is a lady in there that has a silkie roo named Cotton... He is most definatly her PET. He even wears diapers and sleeps in her bed. Oh, and he likes opera and going for car rides!!!

People think chickens are gross...
Well, I think any animal can be gross if it is improperly taken care of.
Dogs, cats, birds, rodents...
I have a cat that will not sit in my lap I still consider her a pet also. what is the definition of a pet?

  1. A domestic or tamed animal or bird kept for companionship or pleasure and treated with care and affection.
  2. A fit of sulking or ill humor: "Mother's in a pet".

(of an animal or bird) Kept as a pet: "a pet cat".

Stroke or pat (an animal) affectionately.

noun. darling - favourite - favorite - minion
adjective. favourite - favorite - beloved
verb. fondle - caress - pamper - cuddle - stroke - dandle

SO what does Jace do? He chased my nephew with the chicken all over the yard. This big 17 yr old, 6 foot tall boy, running from a 6 yr old with a chicken.
That is too funny! Sounds like something I would do too!!
Anyone in the Eaton Rapids/Holt/Mason/Lansing area have an incubator firing up this week? I have Speckled Sussex eggs and Silkie and Showgirl eggs sitting here because someone messaged me and then never followed through with having them shipped. If not I'll make a big batch of scrambled eggs this weekend lol
I just stuck some in late last night. Want me to come get them from you tomorrow?
Hmmmmm....if you really want to do it I'm game! I just don't want perfectly good hatching eggs to go to waste. well, not really waste, I'll eat them lol. Why don't I collect tomorrows eggs and then we can meet up on Thursday (oh wait, is that the day you said you were busy?) and you can take them home to the bator! Then, once they hatch, we can sort through and divide the hatch up. You have to keep a showgirl though...it's the law.
Ohh she beat me to it. How about I take a showgirl??
Why are you collecting pennies?
Are you covering your floor in them?
I have seen pics of people doing that. Just wonder how much that would cost to do... If it is cheaper to do
While I don't consider my chickens to be pets and know many folks that do. For a prosecutor to say that no one keeps chickens for pets is ludicrous. How would he explain the success of a company called "My Pet Chicken"?
Why are you collecting pennies?
Are you covering your floor in them?
I have seen pics of people doing that. Just wonder how much that would cost to do... If it is cheaper to do
Yes that's our goal. We have a 120 year old house 20 feet from this one that I want to do that in a bedroom. I figured since most people give pennies away or throw them in change boxes in stores, I'm taking a collection in a few different places =)
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While I don't consider my chickens to be pets and know many folks that do. For a prosecutor to say that no one keeps chickens for pets is ludicrous. How would he explain the success of a company called "My Pet Chicken"?
Like I said before, it is a matter of semantics. If it was that simple and logical, I don't think that I would be in the situation that I'm in. The local code says that canaries are acceptable fowl but nothing else applies.

When I posited that chickens are more common "pets" than canaries is when I POed the prosecutor.
I'm glad that I did not mention "pet rocks".
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